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"Rich you know I would if I could."

"Please Eddie I want to be able to kiss you and hold your hand in front of your house without being scared that your Mom will see."

" I understand but I can't tell her not yet."

" When,when will you be able to."

" I don't know"Eddie yelled.
" Why are you bringing this up now."

" I'm bringing it up now because I don't want you to leave"Richie mumbled under his breath.

" What."

" I thought you were going to leave" Richie yelled.

" What makes you think I'm going to leave."

" I thought maybe you would be to scared of what your Mom would do and decided it was to much pressure and you would leave me."

" Wow rich is that what you think of me."

" No Ed's it's just you seemed so stressed lately and I thought if you just told your Mom and got it off your chest you would be more happy."
" I'm sorry Eddie I just thought it would make it easier."

" Well it's my Mom so I can tell her when I want."

" I know I'm sorry"Richie said going to give him a hug.

Eddie pushed away.

" No."

Eddie stormed off.

Richie was going to follow him but decided it was better not to.

~Time skip~

It was the next morning at school.
It was a little awkward but nobody noticed.

Richie was going to sit beside Eddie at lunch but he was afraid it would cause drama.
So instead he sat beside Stan.

Remember when I said that nobody noticed well everyone notices now.

"What are you doing" Stan asked confused.

"Sitting down."

"Yeah but why beside me."

"Because there was no room anywhere else"Richie answered passive aggressively.

" Jeez."

"God you don't have to be such an ass" Richie mumbled.

"Leave Stan alone"Eddie said.

Richie was going to give back a casual mature response but instead this happened.

"What are you guys dating or something."

"What no!

" One tiny fight yesterday and you already replaced me."

"God Richie do we really have to do this right now."

" Yes we do. "

" Ugh your always making a big drama out of everything"Eddie rolled his eyes.

" Oh I'm so sorry I embarrass you."

"Ok we're not having this conversation again you don't embarrass me. "
" Just stop yelling in the cafeteria. "

" If your not embarrassed of me then how come you haven't told your Mom about us yet. "

There was no response.
Eddie was livid that Richie had brought this up in front of his friends.

"Richie I'm not going to argue with you in the middle of school."

" Well if you don't want to argue with me in school maybe we shouldn't be arguing anymore."

" Fine I guess I won't see you after class."

" I guess I'll just return the Halloween costumes."

They both got up and stormed off.

" Did they just break up"Mike asked.

Everyone shrugged.

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