When they are hungry

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Despite himself being hungry , he still wait until you have your lunch , so the both of you can eat together . For some unknown reason , your grey wolf refuse to eat meat and prefer vegetables and boiled egg . Sometime it will lead you to worry about his condition .


Only eat grasses , sedges , rushes and dwarf shrub . Like a noble he is , he will demand to have his meal right this instant . He will pester you further if you don't and threaten to consume the file which contain your finished report .


This tiny rabbit is not picky on foods and eat what is given to her . She want some snack later and tend to act cute .


He will drop a bowl with his own named written on it and present in front of you , signalling you that he is hungry . Will whine and send you puppy eyes which is super effective . Eat dry kibble , canned foods and a mixture of meat and vegetables to ensure a balanced diet . 


Think of you as food .


She will pout when hunger take over her . Tugging your (pants/skirt/your choice) with her teeth to catch your focus . Juno is quite a big eater but she knows her limit .


He eat a lot of bamboo and you need to hide them in order to control his diet . But for some unknown reason , he can find where it is hidden . The next morning , you will found out that all the bamboo is gone from the area which you hided in . Instead of gaining fat , he grow muscles instead . You found yourself concern about his digestive system . And look how buff he has become .

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