Will they get jealous ?

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Yes , totally will . His ears and tails will drop , and whine like a sad puppy . It is when you are showing attention toward other's pets or not paying attention at him . He is afraid to nudge you or growl since he don't want to be hated . So he stay low and quiet , watching you enjoying yourself with other's company . When they are gone , you will give Legosi more of your affection than before . Knowing so well that he is trying to hide his jealousy . It will eventually cheer him up .


A cold-distant red deer will somehow show his negative emotions . It is when you compliment other animals in a magazine or found it on the internet . Saying how cute/beautiful/gorgeous/etc they are . Louis will glare at you and distant himself more than usual . Wouldn't allow you to come closer and always want to stay away from you . But you knew deep down he is feeling lonely because of your ignorance . You will try to apologize in some kind of way and it will take up 2 or 3 days for him to open up again .


Little rabbit is jelly of course . When you are searching some cute rabbits and bunnies pics online and even hope to adopt another one . You don't know that Haru will become more hostile . Like kicking your ankle with her bunny feet or bite your skin , which hurt so much because of the sharpness of her teeth . In order to wash her anger away , you need to feed her a lot of snacks and pet her fur . She will forgive you then .


Jack whines out loud to try showing how he felt . This occur a lot when you are taking a stroll around the park with your golden retriever . Since you are a dog person , you will stop random strangers and pet their dogs . Which lead to Jack whine and growl at his enemy . After the little interaction , you continue your walk . Jack is relief to see his enemy is gone . The golden retriever can't get mad at his owner and his resentment will fade away eventually .


Too hard to be true , he is quite the jealous type . When you are showing more interest at a bear or other carnivores on internet . He will purposely break your computer/phone while you are using it and even growl at you , not in a murderous way . And Bill never receive any treat since that day and you even grounded him as for his punishment . 


Super , extremely jealous . Have deep grudge toward animals who you show interest for . She will bark/howl at her rivals and tend to attack them . A way to calm her down is to massage her back or head and say sweet things to her . She will never despise you because you are her's dearest person . 


Why would he get jealous ? This buff panda don't even display such emotions . 


Nope . It is the other way around , he'll make you jealous instead . 


100% yes . Just like Juno , he will get pretty aggressive but not in front of you . When are you in the forest , treating some wild animals who is injured . He will act like a good boy and innocent while you are present , but when you are gone , he will threaten them and attack them is common . 

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