How will you react when seeing their true form ?

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Speechless at first . Observing him from head to toe and then scream in shocked . Legosi is wearing a uniform and is standing in two feet . He is very tall , ears almost touching the ceiling ." M-Master ?".

" You can speak !?".

And you fainted afterward . 


" Stop looking at me like that ".

Unbelievable , truly magnificent ." A-are you Louis the red deer ?". He send you a look of stupidity ." Are you an idiot ? Yes , I am Louis , the person you've serve for six yrs ", he sigh . Then you scream like a maniac and runs around the room . It took you some mins or hours to calm down ." How do you become eeerrrr like this !?", you asked as you're drenched in sweat ." Don't know ", he replied simply . Despite staying cool , you knew he is panicking in the inside .

" Okay . . . why are you wearing a uniform ? You're a animal so why bother wearing clothes ?".

" . . . . . .".


" Hello (Y/N)-sama !", the small dwarf rabbit chirp . Your mouth is agape and eyes is widen as you stare down at the blanche rabbit standing in two feet . And is wearing some kind of white sailor uniform . Confusion drive you crazy ." H-Haru ?", you question and she nodded in respond . Running your fingers into your locks , no words leave your mouth ." C-can you leave me alone for a moment ?", you sighed , still cannot accept what is happening . Her long fluffy ears drop . Despite wanting to protest , she listen to her master's demand and walk out from your room , giving you some space .


By the time you arrive home , you got tackle onto the floor by a gold retriever ." Welcome back (Y/N) !", he exclaim with a wagging tail ." Eeeerrrrrrr ", a long confusion sound escape your lip . The dog looks so like Jack except he had a human form and clothes . You are too tired to even ask questions so you cuddle with Jack for the rest of your day . 


A giant tiger who shape like a human is sitting on the couch ." Oh , welcome back human !", he grin . In 0.02 secs , you quickly tug out a phone and dial some numbers ." Hello is this the FBI ?", you ask through the phone . 

" There's a creep burst into my home !".

" Who are you calling creep ! I am Bill !".

" My address is XXXXXXXXX !".

" Are you even listening , human !?".


" Juno ?".

" Hmmm~".(currently embracing you)

" Please release me ".

Juno give you a sadden expression ," Do you not love me anymore ?"." No , it's not like that . I just want some time to process the situation ", you replied as honest as you can . Her eyes began to tear up ." M-Master don't like me anymore !", she whine . You sigh as you try to soothe your pet(?).


" What the hell is that look ?".

The huge and muscular panda ask as he take another bite of the bamboo ." What the f*ck ?!", you cuss at the weird situation . You easily understand the situation where your panda turn into some kind of human creature . Gouhin ignore your panicked as he continue to chew the bamboo .


At present , you are hiding from someone ." Come out now , (Y/N) . I promise not to hurt you(yet)~", Melon sing , taking few more steps . Yes , it's your pet , Melon . You are not sure what is the phenomenon for this type of occurrence . Melon being a sadistic pet you knew , you understand that he will tries some new tricks on you again . Gaining human body , mind and language . He had become more dangerous than ever . All you wish is for not being caught .

" Boo~".




Earlier on , you've woken by something poking your face . Eyelids forcing itself to open slightly , trying to adjust the blurry vision ." Good morning , Riz~", you lazily greeting ." Good morning (Y/N)-sama ", he mouthed some few words ." Did my bear just talk ? . . . . . . . . . . . I must be dreaming ", you thought . You bring Riz closer , snuggling into his tender fur ." Five more mins~", you mumble as you doze back into darkness . 

" Sweet dream (Y/N)-sama ".

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