When you watch horror with them

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Even though he don't understand the concept , he still watch it with you . In the end , he shiver beside your smaller frame and try to hide his body from the screen . You always knew he is a scaredy-dog despite having such a big body and frighten features . Yes , you did it on purpose because it's so cute to see his trembling state .


Try to act tough , but actually not afraid . Had a calm demeanor while you are holding his antlers , screaming your life away . This cause him to kick you off from the couch since it is super annoying to be cling so tight .


Nope , since you guys share something common and that is cowardly . Well , you will watch it if it with your friends since they force it upon you . You and Haru crawl into a ball , clutching against each other and trembling as watching through the whole film .


Jack will get scared slightly , yet so far , you two are great buddy and aren't afraid some small fry .


The tiger would roar at the screen and try to attack the monster that is inside the film . Yep , that's how you spend another sum of money on buying a new television .


Set everything up , a blanket , stack a wall of pillows for defend , drinks , popcorn , a cross , a holy bible , onions and lastly the holy water . Then flick off the light and turn on the film as you both rest inside the cocoon-shape shelter made by you two .


Your friends come over to your house in order to introduce you a new horror movie which they just bought . Nodding as you allow them to come inside and start the movie . To their disappointment , you and Gouhin keep a uninterested expression and calm as hell . Gouhin even yawn during halfway while you stare blankly at the screen . During the entire time , your friend is the one who is screaming and pee themselves .


Your pet is the monster here .


He will embrace you as you shakes upon seeing the bloody scene and even reacted to the jump scared . Riz aware that his owner's gut are very weak and he didn't hide his laughter directed at you . And you glare up at your pet for laughing .


You and Tem try to watch it before . Despite faking an alright expression , nonetheless , inside is freaking out .


He still overprotective and concern over you when watching the new released horror film . To be honest , you are super hype up and slightly terrified inside the chest area . Yahya notice the grip on his limbs as you grasp it roughly . Snorted at your brave outer coat but inside is petrified .


You used this chance to decrease the distance between your crush . While Pina smirk at your attempt . Nevertheless , this dall sheep is supporting for his owner's success .

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