Christmas Eve

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Put a Santa hat on Legosi and yourself . You bought Legosi a white dwarf rabbit plushy and he adores it a lot . Giving you his appreciation by licking your face .


Decorate his antlers with different color light ball to his disagreement . You bought him a ruby-hazel strip scarf as for his present . Despite trying to act like he is not interested , in the end , he wore it for the whole winter .


Just like Legosi , you present her a grey wolf plushy . Hopping like a excited bunny she is when receiving her gift . Squeaking with delight while you take a video of this moment . She spend most of her night sleeping on the plushy and didn't even sleep with you anymore , which hurt you a lot that she favor the toy more than her owner .


When morning came , Jack ran downstairs to open his present with his canine . Tails wagging when he tear the paper apart , so as the cardboard . Giving you a loud bark when he pull out a Christmas jumper with a golden star as the design . Helping him to put it on and is a matching pair with yours . Applying saliva on your face with his long tongue to show his appreciation .


Of course to have turkey for the meals . Bill is super impatient and keep growling . His stomach grumbling nonstop and is planning to eat you if the turkey is not ready . Thank god you survive another day , mostly gratitude for the turkey which is cooked before Bill rip you apart .


You force him to dress up like a Santa since you spend a lot of moneys buying two outfits . And you being a elf . You invite your parents into your home and they chuckle at how cute you and Gouhin is in those outfits . You swore you can see a tint of blush on the panda's cheek .


He reluctantly agreed to put on the Grinch's outfit . It's funny till the point that you roll across the carpet . Since today is Christmas Eve , he leave you alone for now . No pranking or messing around until this weeks are over .


Having a snowball fight with your neighbors . Got an advantages of adopting a brown bear , you won this war .


Stay at home , chilling in front of the fireplace with your head on Tem's wool . Your dad sigh at both of your laziness , but it cannot be helped . 


Riding in the snow with your favorite horse , Yahya . And even put a winter hat on his dark wavy hair . Both of you share a giggles as ye mount around the cold , blanche forest . Of course being the overprotective knight Yahya is , he will watch any carnivores that will bring harm to you and make sure to deal with them .


Watching anime . Needless to say , Pina got force to view it with his owner . Also helps your parent to decorate the house with Christmas accessories . Lastly , embrace Pina's comfy wool while you doze off into dreamland .

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