How you meet

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You got lost in a forest while going camping with your parents . Luckily , a small pup found you and lead you back to your campsite . Safely reunited with your parents , you decided to adopt this little wolf . Later that day , you name him Legosi .


A abandon red deer which was found on a road side while you are on a trip to study wildlife . Bringing the skinny , wounded deer to the clinic . After two weeks , the red deer is completely heal . Yet , he need to be bought back to his habitat . Feeling the duty of minding him and knowing the reason why he is abandon , you decided to take care of him . Naming him Louis after a month of adoption .


You are enjoying your lunch at the backyard of the school . Then you found a white bunny searching through your lunch . Picking a carrot in her tiny mouth and began to chew it . Thinking how adorable she is , you decided to take her home . You name her Haru(sunshine) since the weather is clear that day .


Your parents bought a puppy golden retriever for your seventh birthday . That day , you are beyond delight . This mini pup is sure energetic , licking your face and coated with his saliva . Running around you while jumping onto your legs . Since you are so bad at naming and lazy to think up one . Jack is the most common and easiest way to call him .


You are a spectators from a company and is on a mission to study a nearby circus . While observing the backstage , jotting down notes , interviewing the workers and observing the safety precaution . Suddenly , you witness are very absurd scene . A man is whipping a tiger . Feeling very offended at the animals cruelty of this circus , you went to save the tiger from the beast . Soon , the news of the circus being corrupt because of animals abuse , spread across the county .

The coworkers in the company are sending the animals back to wildlife or the zoo , but the tiger refuses to be touch by the humans . Your boss ask you to adopt the tiger since they are afraid to approach him and not sure how to deal with him . Groan in frustration by the extra work given by your boss , nevertheless , you cannot refuse . 

Having a tiger in your apartment is not a good idea . He will attack you everyday , every time , every secs . Luckily , you'd learn some self-defense during your youth and can defend yourself from his deadly attack . It take two month for him to accept you and you to recognize his existence . So yeah , you two had a frenemy relationship . Also you didn't name him , your friend did .


The first time you encounter such a pretty wolf is when you are working in a vet . You heard from your employer that she got injured because the alphas are fighting over for their mate . And that mate is her . You carry the role of healing her up . She pretty much got attached to you since you had spend couple of weeks curing her . When you got assign to take care of other animals , she will growl or try to snap at other animals . Other than that , she will whine when you are not here and bark at whoever approach her . That is when you realize that she wanted you . Adopting her is the only option to keep anyone safe and not to cause anymore ruckus . Given her the name Juno on the first day she move into your house .


He is by your side since you are just a baby . You heard that before your grandparent pass away , they tell your parent to take care of him . Losing all your pass memory , you forgot how sweet and kind this panda is . Despite being cool and cold , he had a soft spot for you . Defending you when you got bullied , soothe you to sleep when your parents is away and when you cry , he allow you to embrace him . All those memories are hidden in Gouhin's mind , yet , he refuses to let you remember . He is like a guardian to you , nonetheless , you've never realize just how bless you are .


This creepy half-leopard , half-gazelle just follow you home without any reasons . From that day on , your life become hell . However , the loneliness which you'd suffer from all those years got swept away . Now , you had a troublemaker living with you . 


The bullied push you into a river and scatter your books , pencil case and bags along with it . They left you alone in the darkness , leaving you sobbing with drenched uniform . A growl was heard from your behind , turning around to be met by a huge brown bear . You thought you are going to die . Eyes shut , waiting for the impact . 

There is nothing to be felt .

Opening your eyes again , you notice that you got pull out from the river by his enormous strength . Snuggling his gigantic figure into your tiny frame , it like hugging a big teddy bear . You let out your cry into his fur and rambling about how you hated life . 

Because he is a great company , you wanted to adopt him , even so , your parent disagree . Waited until you all grown up , you can finally take care of Riz by your own . Yes , you name him while you are still a kid .


Your dad owns a alpacas farm . Because he want a best for you , he give you permission to pick a alpaca . (E/C) eyes stop at the bland , fluffy baby alpaca who is hiding behind his mother . You picked him as for your pet . At first , he is a afraid of you and often got frighten easily . Usually , you used foods to lure him in and tell the little alpaca that you mean no harm . Slowly , eventually he open himself up to you . That is how you two become friends . You name him Tem , by the way .

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