When Summer arrive

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Of course to shave Legosi's hair . He allowed you to and sit still when you do your work . You sell the fur to a fashion store , definitely , you'll receive some cash . Then ye spend the time devouring watermelon and spilling the dark seed in the garden .


Visiting your relative's house and bringing your red deer along . Your nephews and nieces just really like to play with him and often ride Louis . That's why Louis dislike coming with you .


Enjoying sunbathing in the garden . Both of you wore a sunglasses , also drink something cold . Sometime inviting your friends over to join you .


Going to the beach with your companions . Dressing Jack up in a red beach shirt with bones pattern . Your (B/F) is barbecuing while you and the rest are swimming in the ocean . Jack are trying to chase the beach ball while you and your friends are hitting toward each other .


Since you have a tiger as your pet , you don't have permission to bring him out for the reason that he is a dangerous species . Afraid that he will bite someone and to the case of sending them into the hospital . So you spend the summer watching films , dramas and variety of shows with Bill .


Just like Legosi , you bring her to a vet shop in order to trim her fur . She hate this ideas but she don't have a choice since you insist . After that , you bring Juno to a pet park to meet her fellow companions and let them enjoy themselves .


Filming how he work out and when he chew his bamboo stick . And you often receive a growl from Gouhin , cause he dislike to be recorded . You have a part-time/full time so you can't really spend much time with your beloved panda . Plus you don't really know what to do other than gaining income .


Throwing pranks at each other and mess up the house . Even lead to complain from your neighbors .


Camping in the forest . Knowing he is born in this type of habitat , you often thought about him missing this place . It's enjoyable and fun . But . . . . Riz frequently bought death animals that he kills and gifted to you . You cannot accept it and even told him to stop killing . So , he ate those death animals without you knowing . Yet , you found out easily since he smell like iron .


Laze around the house like a cat or a sloth . You just despise the heat and so is Tem , thanks to his thick fluffy sheep-like fur . And you got force to shred his fur by your dad . Growling as you protest to do it , but your dad hit back by saying ," He is your pet so be responsible !". That is how you lose the argument .

After shaving off all his fur , Tem look so thin that you began to laugh . You don't know what to do with the wool so you throw it at Tem . And both of you had a wool war , making everywhere covering with wool . Later , your dad found out and you two got into deep trouble . Those fur is essential since he need to sell them to make money .

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