When you/them is sick

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Be a dramatic human you are and scream all over the place . After the breakdown moment which took an hour/your choice of time , you drive the car over the limit in order to deliver your poor pet to the vet .


Even though he is sick , he try to act tough on the outside . Even so , being his owner for couple of yrs , you knew exactly that there is something wrong . Forcing him to go to the vet and him , not protesting for the first time . Everything works out in the end , he receive his checkups and medicine along with it .


Almost had a heart attack when you notice Haru is sick . Quickly send her to the vet in order to cure her illness . It cost but worth it , if it for your dwarf rabbit .


He refuses to get an injection and keep whining or growl at you . Plan A , pull his collar to force him to go , failed . Now plan B in action , used treats to bait him . And it's not a success . Your golden retriever is too smart for you to handle .


He's immune to get any illness so you don't really need to worry . But be on guard with his diets .


Since you are a veterinarian yourself , you can easily point out the symptoms and treatment . Juno used this excuse to cling onto you for 24/7 , nevertheless she always glue to you like a little kid .


Just like Bill , this hunky panda born with a strong immune system . It is you who tend to get sick whenever you overwork yourself . Gouhin had to take care of you like a parental guardian he is . 


Since he is a half-breed of a herbivore and a carnivore , Melon had to get daily basis checkups to secure his health and etc. It is super rare and his medic are extremely expensive . 


So far in your life , you haven't seen him sick before . Which you are unsure if it a good thing or not .


After all your father is the employer of alpacas farm , he can identify if Tem is sick or not . But the test is positive and he need to leave the house for a few days . Embracing Tem into your arms before his depart away . You will surely miss him .

When his health had improve , he is allowed to come back . You and Tem spend a long day hanging out together , but mostly laze around like a sloth .


How can this ripped horse get sick ? Just look at him , his monstrous muscles and titan height . Mostly you , who get unwell often . He will dash away from the shed and into your room despite your parent's effort trying to stop him . Yahya will stay at your side until your health improve , like a knight he is .


Deliver him to the vet when you found out his illness . The employees tell you to come after a week or two as they mend him back to good physical condition . The whole week sure is lonely for you , always think of the dall sheep . 

Finally , the hellhole is over and you went back to the vet to collect your pet . Pina and his owner snuggle in the bed for the whole day afterwards .

I'm going to end this story since I am out of ideas . Thank you for reading so far .

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