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Wow y'all, it's been a while. Around the beginning of June, I had a pretty big health situation (not COVID) that involved me losing most of my hearing, and discovering that I have a few chronic conditions. So apparently, I'm disabled now. I won't go into details, but if you all want to read about my diagnoses, I will link some things. Long story short, this is the first time since June that I have been able to take the time to write. Likely things will be slower than they were before, but I will be continuing this story now that I am well enough. Thank you to anyone coming back after all this time. You guys are awesome.


Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME): cdc.gov/me-cfs/index.html

POTS: dysautonomiainternational.org/page.php?ID=30

Fibromyalgia: cdc.gov/arthritis/basics/fibromyalgia.htm

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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