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My first night in ECO SEC wasn't easy. ECO SEC is a highly maximum security prison on the planet Detnar. It's a large planet, but ECO SEC was the only thing on it, making it one of the most impossible prisons to escape, because even if you did get out of the prison gates, which no one did, but if you did, you would die in the desert. Because there is no where to go after that. I was shipped to ECO SEC after attempting to break out of the last prison I was in. It put a higher number on my criminal rating. Every one, starting from the moment their born has a criminal rating, a number printed directly onto your skin. When you're born, the number is 0. However, the moment you commit a crime, your number goes up. Every prison has a certain number group. 1-10 is Juvenile SEC. 11-30 is Dred SEC. 31-200 is Crodedge SEC. 201-500 is ECO SEC, and I was number 202. Just my luck. I would like to leave out what I did in the very beginning to get into prison, but I was sitting in my cell at Crodedge SEC when a guard walked in on me, he had keys on him. My first instincts went off and I tackled him to the ground, biting his nose until it bled from the nostrils, and took the keys. I tried to run with them but I had SEC Sentries on me in seconds. I had to give up. They added another degree of theft for the keys, and another for murder considering the guard bled out from the nose. My criminal rate raised to 202, and now I am sitting in a SEC Ship, being transported to ECO SEC. I sat there and then came the SEC Sergeant. Time for debriefing.

"Prisoners 201 and counting. You're sitting in the SEC Ship which is on it's way to ECO SEC. I don't care why you're here, I don't care if you're innocent or guilty. However, somehow, your criminal rating launched over 201 so here you are. When we land in Detnar, I want a single file line heading inside. If you run, you die. If you step out of line, you die. If you speak, you die. When you step inside, you will be handed cybernetic criminal rated clothing. Your criminal number is displayed on the back, it is rigged to connect to your criminal rating on your arm so the numbers will always match. There are over two thousand prisoners in ECO SEC so it is a high chance that you will meet someone with the same criminal rating and number as you. I know when you were born, your mommy looked you in your pretty blue eyes and said that you were one of a kind. That is not true, in ECO SEC, you are no different than the man sitting next to you. You are all criminals and scum. Now, any questions?"

The guy sitting next to me raised his hand which was all covered in tattoos and scars. Same with his face too. "I have a question." He stated.


"Is it true that no one has gained a criminal rating of over 500?" 

The guard crossed his arms and looked out the nearest port, we were getting ready to board the ECO SEC Landing Site. We felt turbulence as we shook into place and landed at the front gates. The guard looked at all of us and chuckled.

"Well?" The prisoner next to me asked, waiting for his answer. To be honest, we were all quite curious. But he just stood there, with his arms crossed.

"Unlock all prisoners' seats! Stand in line formation! Ready for departing." 

The belts that wrapped around out waists unlocked us from out chairs that were bolted to the wall. We didn't get our answer, but it was time to go anyway. We stood up from seat formation and all got in a straight line and exited the ship. One by one we all stepped off and onto the metal concrete foundation this prison was built upon. We looked into the distance and I could see it in many of their eyes, they wanted to run for it. But we knew deep inside that if we did, we wouldn't last a day out there. It was nothing but a barren wasteland. I wanted to run as well but I knew I wouldn't make it. We all decided to keep carrying on, and we walked past several ECO SEC guards that stared into our souls. But we stared back, they were scared of us. We knew we were more powerful than them, and we walked on in.

Number 501 (Needs Editing)Where stories live. Discover now