The First Encounter

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Yes, once again, in the tavern of Bell Village

Joaquin: Then? what type of knowledge we have?

Icarus: Where and when we will find "The Exiled"

Opal: Who is the exiled?

Mask: Right I forgot you were sleeping during that part, The exiled is a wandering swordsman who is chasing and killing Dark wizards and bandits.

Icarus: Mages from the Dark Arts Society have informed me that the Exiled is near the Abandoned Coliseum.

Buck: That isn't far away.

Icarus: The thing is, days later the mages I got the report from, died.

Everyone remained quiet for a solid minute

Joaquin: What is the D.A.S. offering?

Icarus: A high amount of crowns and treasures

Orion: ... Let's do this.

Buck: Yeah!

Abdoul: Let's show him who we are!

And the gang left for their destination, yet on their way, they found out someone who all of em didn't expect to encounter.

Joaquin (Carrying an out of combat Icarus): SHIT SHIT SHIT, HOW DID HE SAW US

They found out the Exiled, or the Exiled found out them?

Buck: Ocean Cannon!

Opal: Pyro...

Buck: Wait Opal don't! he is soaked in-

Opal: Pulse!

???: You call that an attack?

The exiled brandished his sword creating a great wave of force, damaging Opal and Buck

Mask: Buck!

???: Never let your guard down, Idiot!

The Exiled threw his sword piercing through Mask stomach

Abdoul & Orion: MASK!

Abdoul: Paper Splash!

Orion: Venemous Maelstorm!

???: Agh... That is considered a good atta-

From behind an orange light started to grow in the poison

Joaquin: Scorching Magma Assault!


Without a doubt, the pair of mages quickly ran towards their incapacitated fellows in aid

???: Well well well... what do we have here? a hero between the villains?

Joaquin: SHUT UP Crushing Volcano Apocalypse!

The Exiled raised his shield and started blocking all the attacks from the magma wizard.

Joaquin: Magma Sniper - Volcanic Cannon- Lava Demise!

???: Your attacks are simple!

Joaquin: Magma...

The exiled threw his sword at Joaquin

Joaquin: Leap!

But failed

???: You are alone now... What will you do now?

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