Chapter 17

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Kyma reaches out for the message bubble and cradles it in her palm. She doesn't open it just yet, she isn't ready. There's only one person who would be sending her a message and she doesn't want to face her mother's ire right this moment. Ro peers over Kyma's shoulder, having released her hand.

"What's that?"

"A message."

"From who?"

Kyma grimaces. "My mother."

"And . . . that's a bad thing?"

"Not really, it's just . . . she's going to be angry with me."

"Why would she be mad at you?"

"Because I'm here alone."

"I don't understand. You have Star with you. And me, now."

Kyma shakes her head. "But I sent my guard home. I was told to do so by an Akhlut-"

"What's an Akhlut? I've never heard of them, and I know a fair amount of Aos Sí creatures."

Kyma glances at Astrila. Kyma's cousin takes the hint and swims forward to explain. "You wouldn't have heard of Akhlut because they aren't Aos Sí. They're different creatures, from my home. An Akhlut is a magical arluq that can also change into the form of an amaguk."

Ro blinks a couple of times and Kyma laughs. "Star, you have to explain to her what an arluq and an amaguk is."

Astrila winces. "Sorry, Ro. An arluq is an orca and an amaguk is a wolf. I'm still used to everyone knowing Inuktitut so I end up not clarifying."

Ro smiles. "It's alright. Come, we should probably get out of the water before the magic keeping us dry dissipates."

Kyma laughs. "Considering both Star and myself are water beings, I don't think it will bother us that much, but sure. We may not mind, but I think you will."

Ro inclines her head, beaming. "Thank you."

Ro wades out of the river first with Kyma only a few paces behind her. Astrila brings up the rear, twisting back to look at the river once she's out of the water. Kyma frowns at her cousin.


Astrila shakes her head. "Don't worry, I'm just looking."

"What for?"

"I've never traveled with the help of magic before. Can I not just look at what has changed around me for a moment?"

Kyma winces. "Sorry."

"It's alright. I'm done now."

Astrila steps away from the river and follows Kyma to where Ro is waiting for them, at the top of the riverbank. Ro leads them through the trees, stepping around patches of the soil as if she's avoiding them. Kyma frowns in confusion at one of the aforementioned patches of dirt. Ro notices her confusion.

"The ground dips there, making it easy to lose your footing and twist an ankle."

"So you avoid the risk altogether?"

Ro shrugs. "I suppose. But we each choose the risks we wish to take. I need to be able to run, so I can't take the risk of injuring myself in this way."

"Why do you need to be able to run?"

"When the Seelie Lord returns, I need to be able to escape him."

Kyma places a hand on Rowan's arm. "As I said before, we will help you." Ro nods and gives Kyma a weak smile. Kyma smiles back at her. "So, where are we going?"

"A clearing, not far from my house."

"You live in the woods?"

Ro snorts in laughter. "Oh, no. my house isn't in the woods. It's in a field, with the woods bordering it. So right on the edge."

"You really like the woods, don't you?"

Ro smiles. "I always have. Now that I know more about my family, I suppose it's because I have a gift with plants." Ro darts ahead for a moment before she turns back to beam at Kyma. "We're here."


Ro nods. Kyma runs forward, Astrila bursting past her to reach Ro first. Kyma almost laughs at her cousin's speed, she's just as excited as Kyma is. Perhaps more. Kyma steps into the clearing and her mouth falls open. She twists around to look at the trees ringing the clearing. Somehow, they look more alive than any of the other trees in this forest.

Ro steps past her and reaches out to one of the trees. Its branches lower to her level and wrap around her like the tree is hugging her. In the middle of the clearing is what looks like a large group of blackberry bushes, with a wooden dome beside it, branches woven together like a net. She looks back to Ro to find the girl laughing.
This was sweet, wasn't it? I don't actually have any real questions for this chapter, so please tell me what you think of it!

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~Goddess of Fate, signing out.

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