Chapter 17

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I spent my weekend helping my new family unpacking. Thank god this house has 4 bedrooms, so we all fit in. This house is big because this was the house where Uncle John, and Moms grew up. Yeah, moms. Tracy and Avery. I've started to call Avery Mom. I saw Tracy this saturday and it couldn't be more awkward. I mean, she grew me up, alone. And now we're just not talking?

Today is Joey&Alex's first day in my school. And I'm sure as hell people is going to talk about us. I already told them to just ignore it if it happens.

"Be good, Joe, lex." Dad says as he dropped us at school. Alex nods, while Joey rolls his eyes.

"You know what to do, right?" I say to them as Dad starts to drive away, and they nod. I'm too lazy to accompany them.

"Okay, see you then." I say and make my way to my locker. I should change the combination, though, since it seems like everyone knows it.

"Alice!" Someone calls my name as I open my locker. I turn my head to the owner of the voice.

"Jake!" I smile widely, it seems like it's been a long time since I last saw him. Probably because I met everyone else on friday but him.

"Where were you last friday?" He asks once he stands beside me, leaning his back into the locker beside me.

"Family reunion." I lie, but not completely lying. It was kind of a family reunion, though. Uncle John and Tracy reunited with Avery.

"Oh, I see." He says, but there's something wrong in his tone.

"Everything's alright?" I say then close my locker, and stand in front of Jake.

He sighs, "No, I guess." Then he chuckles dryly. I raise an eyebrow.

"What is it?" I ask, and he shakes his head, "It's no biggie. C'mon let's go." He says and walks away. Since we have the first period class together, I follow him.

"Tell me, Jake." I say when I reach him, grabbing his shoulder to make him stop walking.

"It's Dave," Jake breathes out, and I furrow my eyebrows.

"What about him?" I ask, and he sighs. "Ever since Dylan came back, Dave always spends time with him. He has been so distant lately."

"Aww, Jakie Wakie is upset!" I say as I pinch his cheek, and he groans.

"That's gross." He says and rolls his eyes, and I laugh.

"I'll talk to Dave, do not worry." I say. Man surely does have a girly side.

• • •

"God, is anyone allowed to be that hot?" Chelsea says and I roll my eyes.

It's lunchtime and Chelsea is currently admiring Joey. Joey had already made friends, as I can see. He's sitting with the jocks, while Alex is in the nerds section. He looks so happy, though. Like he finally found his lost soul.

"He's not that hot." I comment, and Chelsea rolls her eyes. "Of course you don't think he's hot. He's your effing brother!"

"I still don't get the logic of how your mother moved all the way from LA to here." Jake says. I just told Jake about my family drama in the first period class. I haven't told Dave. Jake was right, Dave's being so distant.

"Where's Dave?" I ask while looking around the cafeteria to find him.

"Got no idea. Probably with Dylan." Chelsea shrugs. I turn to Jake and he also shrugs, "See what I told you?" Jake says to me.

"What did you told her?" Chelsea asks to Jake.

"That Dave is being so distant." I answer for Jake. Chelsea put her chin on her hand, probably thinking.

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