Neither: Eight

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You should know how that feels when your closest friend dates someone you haven't approved of.

Our lunch table was deadly silent. I sat across Emily, Lucy and Liam; glaring at each of them with every bite I took.
Lucy continued texting, Emily avoided eye contact while Liam ate without a care also trying to avoid eye contact.

It was funny how we all mingled with each other, each of us knowing what we were but not wanting to say a word.

"Leo, please say something. Why do you even hate Liam and Lucy?". Emily asked, breaking the silence. I glared at her and took another slow bite out of my food and rolled my eyes. She tilted her head downwards, sighing in defeat and fiddling with her meal as she knew I wasn't going to answer her.

I was about getting up and leaving the table when a streaks of a cap of familiar platinum blonde hair brushed past my face and I turned to see; Shit, I forgot her name, was it Messie?.....Jessy....Darcy?.....wait that's not it. What was it again?.

I glared at her, {I glared at people a lot sooooo}> "uh it's me.....Cassie?. I told you I was going to eat lunch with you today". She searched my eyes. I remembered almost immediately.

"Oh, hi Cassie". I mentally facepalmed and flashed a toothy grin towards Emily as I scooted for Cassie to sit next to me.

Talk to your boyfriend. I mentally snapped.

"Now you remember....funny." She laughed and I chuckled then narrowing her eyes round the table she asked; "Why aren't you talking to your friends?".
I smiled and at her and replied through gritted teeth; "Good question, why am I not talking to them?....maybe because friends tell each other everything".

"And friends don't hate each other". Liam retorted making Emily wince. I glared at him and replied "I never considered you a friend". I was glad to see that hurt.

"Should I come back later?". Cassie asked. "No,no it's okay". I turned to her. I knew it was selfish of me not to want Emily have anything to do with Lucy or Liam, but my demon complex was pretty possessive though it disapproved of Emily.

I turned to Cassie "well since you're here, thank goodness....let's talk about things that actually matter". I flashed her a grin putting emphasis on the 'matter' aso drained the thoughts of the rests' existence from my mind.

"Uh, okay....hey I was going to ask you, would you mind accompanying me to watch the football team tryouts?....I also wanted to check on my team's cheer routine". She asked. "Oh shit, I'm sorry I'm not gonna make it". I lied, I just didn't want to go because everyone I hated was going to be there. I heard Emily sigh in relief.

Wait, why not go?. Order asked.
Idiots I hate will be there. My humanity answered. Then use this opportunity to screw with all of them. Chaos cackled.
Yeah baby. Order beamed.

Wait, did you two just agree on something?. My humanity asked.
Shut up. They both retorted at the same time.

Sorry Cassie, having you around is going to make Damian jealous which I'd love to watch, while at the same time, love to laugh at Emily and Liam try to get comfortable with my presence, especially when he leaves her alone and goes for the exercise.

"On a second thought..." I paused making both Emily and Liam look up, before I continued "I'd love to accompany you to the tryout". I smiled, mentally jubilating as I succeeded in leaving both Emily and Liam stunned.

"Okay, cool...uh...". She trailed off.

"Don't worry I'll pick you up". I smiled.

*Reach out*

I glared at the steel piece of cutlery that was in my arm, there goes the gasps in awe again. Who keeps on throwing these damn things. I groaned loudly and threw it out of the window.

"28". I heard Emily mutter under her breath without making eye contact. Her eyeballs would hopefully be my next target and be warned, I never miss.

Shut up. You couldn't even control an affinity sphere. Chaos ruined the moment.

Idiot, thank you for ruining the moment. My humanity retorted.

Idiot?, I'm way smarter than you. Chaos retorted.

Okay then, what's the formula for finding the perimeter of a circle's sector?.  I asked.

Shut up, I'm not answering that.

You dullard you have no idea do you?.  I mentally cursed.

Okay then, I have no idea. What's the answer. It asked.

Honestly, I don't know either. I scoffed.

You insolent fool.

Chaos, what did I tell you about calling people fools?. Order yelled.

Sorry Mom. Chaos replied as my humanity snickered with him.

Children. Order scoffed.

Same age. Chaos and I screamed back in unison snickering once more.

A/N: Just like other people his attributes have their own times of madness and can be more tolerable.


As much as I didn't want to speak to those bitches, I still had my history project with them, meaning I had to be the better person and work it out with them.

"Let's get this over with". I grumbled, sitting on the sofa across Emily's bed. She wanted to say something because she knew how much I expressed my hatred for that particular chair because of its texture, but couldn't because of the warning glare I gave her.

"Can We start?" She asked, no one replied so she grumbled and walked over to her backpack pulling out her study tablet.
"I spoke with Mr. Charlie and he said we should start our documentary on the history of America". She looked at me, I rolled my eyes.

" And I think we should start with the signing off of the bill of rights". She said.

"Bullshit" "Balderdash" Liam and I glared at each other as we made those statements. "What do you think then?". She asked me.

" I say start with the native Americans'. I suggested half-heartedly. " And I think we should start with the revolutionary war". Liam opposed.

Thirty minutes passed, we were still arguing on the topic, no one able to write a single word down. He purposely opposed everything I said and I in return did same to him.

"I'm leaving". I groaned, getting tired of arguing and hefting the backpack on my shoulders. "Goodbye". Emily muttered downcast.
I left without a glance or a response. Go fuck Liam.

Well, the update came eventually, who knew writing could  be so much work. See you all around lol. There's gonna be more. ;-).

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