Neither: Ten

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Sorry I didn't update ever guys I don't know how to explain this but, updates are going to come slower than usual. Sorry. I'm at a friend's place rn for some time so..........

"Fuck!" The latter who turned out to be Liam yelled, speedily tucking himself in. That can't be Emily, I left Emily at the bleachers as she waited for Liam, there's no way she could've been that fast. I glared at the other, it turned out to be..."Damian?" I screeched, my voice coming out more of a question.

My brother was literally fucking my supposed to be best friend and my idiot brother played the submissive. At that moment, my hatred for both Damian and Liam flew off the charts.

I could see my vision turning purple as I felt rage burning deep in me. I was going to let it all out.
"I.... I've g-g-gotta go". I stuttered.

"Leo?" Liam called but I hastily stomped out, Liam on my tail. "Fuck, Leo I'm sorry" he pleaded. Crack!. "Sorry?, I fucking left my fucking best friend for you. I fucking ended our fucking friendship so you two could be happy in your fucking relationship and there you are; fucking..... the.....fucking..... person.....I most fucking hate...... the most" I yelled pointing out every word clearly as I poked his chest with my index finger at each word.

Me be like: Leo swears a lot....I think I should change that.
Order: glares at Chaos Tell me about it.
Chaos: Pfft!... pathetic.

"I'm hurt because of Emily...not me and now I know for sure that you and me as friends, never gonna happen". I started backing away. "Leo!?" I ignored his call and angrily vanished into the next hallway around the corner.

I could understand him, most demons have the tendency to have same sex sex (not a mistake -_-) even I. But, he had a girlfriend, he could've suppressed his urge. Insolence.


"Leo please forgive us". Elle begged. I watched keenly as the chains binding her tightened around her limbs, her wings... immobilized. I laughed in amusement as I watched the shadows swirled around her tugging on the chains fastened around her wrists and ankles.

I cackled and stole a mere glance towards my parents. My dad was trapped in a visible boundary barrier and mom caged like an animal. Weak. They stared at me with horror in their eyes, horrified of what I'd become.

"Leo, please" Dad begged, my head whipped to the side as he faltered and flinched as his dilated eyes met my gaze. Every where was scorching, it was blazing red, the walls lined with bones, torches held in place by skeletal arms fixed to the abyssal walls, white chalks and skulls. I looked at how pathetic my once amightu father had fallen, how he had become. Who's more powerful now?.

Inside me, beneath me; I could feel my dying humanity begging for redemption but I like this sensation. I enjoyed this darkness, the made me feel safe something my family couldn't even do. The darkness, it was cold...yet inviting. No wonder how Damian felt.

Speaking of the devil incarnate, I hovered towards him, my hands behind my back. I didn't need my wings to levitate in this space, it was like my power was an endless stream flowing everywhere out of my body and back into me, like oxygen.

His demonic form lay helpless as I used my fingers to raise his bloodied face making him look up at me. His hair had become a mere shadow of the bright purple it used to be.

"Not so strong now huh?" I asked.
The blood coming out of his veins, dark and abyssal containing starry pigments like the night sky.

"Kill him and join me" I heard that sinister voice belonging to Chaos, I looked downwards at my palm, in it rested a crystalline dagger that wasn't there before.

"Plunge it into his heart and all this will end" another shrill voice echoed. I looked at Damian's eyes...pity flashed across my face. I couldn't do it. He used to be the best brother in the world before shit went haywire, he used to protect me from bullies...but now he bullied me. My resolve hardened.

I hated him, no doubt but he was still family. They all were.
"Do it" a more violent voice ordered empowering me in a cloud of newfound rage. I held the dagger up high, fear flashing across Damian's face. Leo, you're stronger than this. My humanity begged, my arm froze in mid air.

I, Leonard Daemon wasn't going to submit to any external force and I was going to answer to myself and myself only, not my attributes. Then, a scaly arm rested on my shoulder. That couldn't be Chaos, my attributes weren't physical.

I was about turning to picture whatever held me, but the scaly arm began heating up. The heat became hotter until I couldn't breathe.

"S-s....stop!" I gasped for air my voice coming out as a whisper as I clung to life barely. The heat drying up my organs, my breath wheezed as the temperature intensified. "I.....I...said stop!!!" I screamed and the entire area around me flew backwards as an energy wave of purple and gold burst out of my skin surface.

I was pulled back to reality with a gasp, the time already reading 7:13AM. A thud in the corner made me jolt in shock just as a baseball bat rolled on the floor. Turning to look around, I was in my room and it was a mess. I had no idea why I slept there in the first place and I was pretty sure it was well-arranged night before, but there it was..looking as if it got hit by a tsunami. Dreams can't affect real life can they?

Oh shit, who tucked me in?.

I got out of bed, my arm crackled for a second with golden energy. If I did explode in both real life and my dream there's no way they wouldn't have heard it right?. And then as if just in cue, I heard a large scream coming from Elle's room "what the hell was that?" As footsteps started.

"Golden aura, it's you Elle" Dad threw back. "I'm seeing purple....and grey?" I heard Damian reply. Yup, they figured...I'm the only one with three aurameres in that family..grey coming from my human side.

"Leo?!?!". They all screamed as footsteps started making their way closer.

Oh shit, I'm gonna be late for school. I hastily packed the first clothes I could find into my backpack before taking a phantom step and letting my reality re-envision into spirals.

Oh, wow.....Leo blew up. Hehe!!! he still has a good heart.

Don't worry I'll try to update more often okay?. Bye guys. Enjoy life. Hehe.

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