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why is it always her


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Abby had found her place in the BAU over the past four months. She had found a father figure in Rossi, the man reminded her so much of her father who she seemed to miss more every day; he also reminded her greatly of her commanding sergeant. Whilst he was an emotionally stoic man, he warmed to Abby and cared for her more than any other CO had, particularly after Leo's death, and she missed him too, he grew her into who she had become. She had a best friend in Morgan and JJ; in Garcia she found a sister, Garcia was the brightest - metaphorically - in the team and instantly loved Abby. Hotch had become a friend but also a mentor, he worried about her but she never failed to impress him. And Spencer. Spencer. He was her dearest friend, they loved one another - not romantically, of course. But the depth of understanding, trust and respect in their relationship is what made it so special. Not one of them doubted Abby's place on the team, not for a second.

The team had been sat at their desks for the past two days filling in paperwork from their previous case; a charming cannibal. It was not one they particularly wanted to dwell on, but the paperwork had to be done. Abby however, who had compelted her paperwork the day before, was elsewhere in the FBI building currently photocoping her work to hand to her boss.

Garcia knocked gently on Hotchner's door.

"Come in."

"Sir, we have a new case."

"Okay thank you, Garcia. Send me the information and gather the team."

Garcia didn't move. Normally she would rush off and gather all the information she could ready to brief the rest of the team, instead she stood and stared at her boss.

"What is it Garcia?" he asked, sensing her eyes on him. She closed the door and sat at his desk.

"It's from the army. Uh," she looked at the paper in front of her, "regiment, sorry no the sixtieth armoured regiment." Garcia said slowly. Hotch sighed and held his hand out for the file from the analysist. A look of sadness flashed across the unit chief's face.

"Garcia gather the team." Hotch said, sadly.

The blonde nodded and started to walk towards the door.

"Garcia?" She stopped and looked at him, nodding, "Do not get Abby, please."

"But sir you said to gather the team -"

"Tell the rest of the team to meet us in the briefing room, do not get Abby."

"Uh okay, y-yes sir."


The BAU, minus the youngest blonde, were all gathered around the round table in the BAU room all with the same confused look on their faces.

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