Chapter 14: What Next?

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Well, That morning, Humaira planned to see Doctor Ibrahim before attending the English class. Firdausi wanted to accompany her but she opposed saying, she would do better, alone. Although, Firdausi was worried, she left Humaira because she respected her privacy.

"Okay, I'll be going to study in the library then....."

"Yes, That would be good. " humaira smiled. "See you in Prof's Charles class."

"Okay, bye then." Firdausi waved her hand at her bestie.

"Bye!" Humaira replied before leaving.

The girls separates ways.


Allahu Waliyyu lazinna 'ammanu yukhrijuunhum minazulumaati ilan-nuur, wal-lazina kafaru auliyaa'ummutaghuut, yukh-rijuunahum minan-nurr ilaz-zulumaat, ulaika as-haashabun-naar hum fiihaa khaalidun

"Allah is the Protector of those who have faith: from the dept of darkness. He will lead us forth into light. Of those who Result faith, the patrons are the evil ones: from light they will lead them forth into the depth of darkness. They will be companion of fire to dwell therein forever."

Humaira made silent prayers as she walked into the office. What she's thinking mustn't happen. She closed her eyes, wondering around the clinic entrance. Just then, she saw someone from a distance, It was Kelechi Samuel. A girl from another room in her hostel, she always use to be with Khayr and Zayda.

Kelechi rushed to where Humaira was. The look on Humaira's face was frozen.

"Eh girl!" She started. "How far, have you gotten the results already?"

"No.. Not yet." Humaira stammered faking a smile.

She knows who kelly is. Everyone knows what Kelechi Samuel was capable of... Madam Kel-Memer! Always have an active ear and mouth.

"I guess you're scared but don't worry!" she gained her arm "I'm always here for you."

Kelechi pulled her into Doctor Ibrahim's office.

"Ah! It's you... " he muttered as the girls wanted into his office. He's been expected Humaira for a while now and here she is.

"Take a seat." he offered in his usual baritone voice and adjusted his reading glasses.

The both of them sat on the chairs facing his wooden desk. Humaira looked scared but Kelly was happy. Just happy for no reason, exactly.

"Okay, so here is your result for yesterday's test. Doctor Ibrahim brought out a brown envelope from under his she's and hands it to Humaira. Kelechi switch collect the envelope from her.

"Let's see how deep mosquitoes have bitten into our innocentie! " she jokes and brings out the result. Humaira wanted to snatched the Result from her hand but she jerked.

"OMG! What this?.... A pregnancy result?!"

"Yes, you're tasted to be positive, Humaira." the doctor declared. "I was wondering if I made a mistake but no... It isn't. You're actually pregnant, Humaira. Three weeks pregnant. "

The look on Humaira's face went blank, she wasn't hearing anything except the sound of her heartbeats.
It was what she was thinking... Pregnancy.

'How would she face the world with this? What would be her fate now? Who would she talk to? Who would she confide in?' About a thousand and one questions popped her memory at once.

She looked so confused, sad and after at the same time. The after burdens in her heart right that minute wasn't for anyone around her...

'It was for Alhaji Musa. That bastard! That devil!! He running me...'
Kelly hands back the paper to Humaira. Staring at the Pregnancy Result As if it was a death sentence, her sad eyes were fallen with tears as she was heartbroken.

Doctor Ibrahim read the emotions on her face and understood what it means. She wasn't ready for any of these, definitely. But how can a girl As innocent As Humaira Sanni Ahmad become pregnant? How long was she trying to keep this or is she seeing someone?

"Excuse us," Doctor Ibrahim older." I'll like to have a discussion with Humaira, alone. "

"Okay, see you at the hostel!" Kelly Fake a smile and wakes out of the office.

Most people calls Kelechi, Kelly for short. She's as popular as money in Amina's hostel and the best gossiper so far. Well, none of these was a bother to Humaira right now, she know she would spread the news already, even an angel from heaven can't stop Kelly from spreading rumor. She's just a shit that would always smell, no matter what. What was making Humaira go gaga right now is the fact that Alhaji Musa impregnated her. He took advantage of her innocence, how could he? How would she face him again, after what he has done....

"Is there anything you would like to discuss with me? " The Doctor brought up but Humaira was lost deep in her own thoughts as tears were already streaming down her eyes.

"Humaira! It's you I'm talking to." he brought up again. "Are you alright?"

"Yes... Yes, I'm fine sir." her voice trembled.

He took off his transparent glasses and clear his throat.

"It's months since I met you Humaira and I must say, you're one of the most decent student I've met in this prestigious school. You're always glued to you book, either in class or library or somewhere studying. You have no idea how your matrons admire you from most of the girls. We're impressed of you even if we don't show it. What was your last G. P?"

"4.5" She muttered.

"4.5 in your first exam? What made you take this step in your life, Humaira. You're like a daughter to me and I should advice you if need be. How did you get pregnant I mean... Who is responsible? A lecturer or a student or is it someone else? I heard your mum died few weeks ago..."

The doctor's questions seems so personal, it made her heart to sink even deeper. She wasn't ready for all of these and answering his unreasonable questions. Nothing would bring back time now, It's all past tense.

Telling him anything would exposure all her secret. She wouldn't be able to hold the gist of everyone spreading the news of her sleeping with her dad's friend for money. Everyone will misunderstand. No body would ever understand what she's feeling.

Bring in about the past would only bring more pain as Humaira isn't ready to share any of the 'Nicon Hotel Secret" to anyone. Not even Zainab, her blood sister.

"I'm sorry sir. I need to take my leave." Humaira stood up and left him, his questions, unanswered.

Doctor Ibrahim couldn't help but to getting pregnant out of welcome could be a very big shame. Poor girl, she must be going through a lot right now but how can I force words out of her mouth when she just wouldn't open up? I just hope she open up soon because things would start getting really tight and tough if she kept on with that act... Especially in this college of ours.
"I just wish her well." he muttered to himself and close her file, opening another...

Author's Note;

Word Count: 1,222.

So, this was somehow the longest chapter so far.
How was the story? Are the characters improving? Are you Loving the new characters or not? What would you do if you were in Humaira's state?

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