Scene 4

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"What? What!??"

"Where were you? I called you ten times last night and sent you forty messages!"


"It's Felix."

"Oh hey I was partying what's up?"

"Hear this. You know the guy? The Jaguar? I'm in his hotel room the penthouse. The bathroom is bigger than the club!" Jeongin rolled his eyes as he got out of his bed "Do i have to hear this?"

"Jeongin! He wants me to stay for the whole week and guess how much he's paying me? wait you'll never guess it. $40,000 cash."

"No fucking way!" Jeongin shouted as he spit out the water he was just about to drink. "Yes and he even gave me extra money for clothes!"

"Fuck I regret letting you get him! Is the guy old? Mental? Ugly?"

"No he's so hot and muscular." Felix said as he kicked his legs in the air. "Well then what the heck is wrong with him? He paid you the money already right?"

"No not yet at the end of the week."

"That's it! That's what is wrong! He's going to scam you!" Jeongin said shaking hie head as he through the messy apartment trying to find his toothbrush. "No he wont. He paid me three thousand for last night already. And listen Jeongin I want you to come pick some up okay? Write the address it's The Beverly Hills Wilshire hotel write it down! Are you?"

Jeongin groaned "Yes yes and yes!" He said as abbreviated the address with a random red lipstick he found on the floor.

"Okay Innie! Innie help me! I need to find clothes like old but elegant clothes where can I get good quality?"

"You're in Beverly Hills the answer is shopping heaven Rodeo Drive baby."


Chan smiled at the guest he had just helped checked in as they told him about their most recent trip when he noticed a blonde young man in very revealing clothing walk past him.

"Hi I'm leaving this for someone to pick up. The name is Yang Jeongin." Felix said to the reception who nodded to the orders and took the envelope. Felix walked away catching everyones attention.

"Jihyo do you know that young man?"


Rodeo drive was within walking distance of the hotel and Felix didn't know where to go. He was consecrated on finding a place to even go in that he didn't notice all the stares of people who passed by.

Felix was amazed at everything he saw displayed on the windows. Designer after designer shops with cars he hear back home were one of a kind. It was a new world as he walked until he looked at a store that seemed to have just what he needed.

When he walked him it seemed as if everyone was staring at him and not saying a word. He looked over at a worked and smiled although they didn't return it.

"May I help you?"

"Ah yes well I'm just looking around."

"Are you looking for something specific?"

"No well yeah something conservative."

The worker nodded looking the tiny shorts that where barely covering anything. "Cool stuff." Felix said as he looked around his eyes stopping at something he would wear "How much for this?"

"This wouldn't fit you." The worker immediately said crossing his arms. "Well I asked how much not if it would fit me." Felix fired back finally noticing the attitude.

"How much is this Mark?" Hendery asked raising a brow giving his a knowing look. "It's very expensive."

"I have money to spend here."

"I don't think we have anything here for you. You're obviously in the wrong place. I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Felix looked at the workers in disbelief and angered. He bit his tongue knowing it would only make things worse before he turned around and walked out. If that was the experience he was going to get he didn't want to go shopping.

As Felix walked back to the hotel he noticed the judgmental stares and whispers as people passed him. His mood was the complete opposite on his way here.

He sighed in relief as he walked into the hotel wanting nothing more than to lock himself in the room forever.

Chan noticed the same young man walking back in and before he could get further he approached him "Excuse me, may I help you?"

"I'm going to my room." Felix said not stopping nor intending. "Do you have a key?" Chan asked calmly trying to figure out the situation.

"Oh shit I forgot that tiny thing. I'm on the top floor the penthouse." Felix said explaining to the hotel worker he didn't know. "You're a guest here?" Chan asked raising his eyebrow since he made sure to greet everyone of his guest.

"I'm with a friend."

"And which friend would that be?"




Felix mentally cursed himself out forgetting the olders last name. He wanted to slam his head against the wall to try and remember when the elevator opened and Seungmin stepped out "He knows me!" Felix shouted pointing at the elevator boy.

"Seungmin!" Chan called the elevator boy over who was confused. "Seungmin do you know this young man?"

Seungmin gave Felix a smile but then stopped once he saw Chan giving him a knowing look "He's with Mr. Seo."

"Seo Changbin! That's it! Thanks Seungmin!" Felix said as he patted Seungmins back and walked towards the open elevator.

Chan sighed as he walked over to the elevator ushering the blonde out "What the hell is up with everyone today!? Seriously!?" Felix said loudly although Chan was calmly guiding him to his office.

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