Scene 6

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Changbin stared at Felix who was looking around the restaurant "Stop fidgeting please

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Changbin stared at Felix who was looking around the restaurant "Stop fidgeting please." Changbin said to which Felix couldn't since he was nervous.

"Right this way Mr. Seo." The waiter said guiding them towards the table. Felix holding onto Changbins arm until they reached the table.

"Mr. Hwang."

"Yes Mr. Seo I'm Sam Hwang and this is my amazing grandson Hwang Hyunjin."

Hyunjin got up to shake Changbins hand "Well I'm not sure about the amazing part but I am the grandson." Changbin nodded "Nice to meet you both this is a friend of mine Lee Felix."

Felix smiled shaking Mr. Hwangs hand "Nice to mee you." Before shaking Hyunjins who kept smiling at him. Hyunjin was taken aback at the way Felix shook his hand but smiled at the action before they all sat down.

They were all sitting down when Felix abruptly got up making everyone else at the table do so out of repespect. "Where are you going?" Changbin asked confused to which Felix gave the Hwangs an apologetic smile "I'll be going to wash room." Felix said to which Changbin nodded "Upstairs on the right."

Felix nodded "Shall I order for you?" Changbin asked the blonde "Yeah- I mean Yes please do so." Felix replied remembering his lessons he had with Chan earlier.


"My grandfather believes in a foundation that the founders of a company should have control-"

"And the salad?" Felix asked Changbin interrupting Hyunjin mid sentence. Changbin let out a small sigh "The salad if after the meal." He quickly replied

"But it's the only fork I know."

Hyunjin smiled in amusement "Going back to what I was saying based on you're previous work I am having a difficult time figuring out your real intentions-"

Hyunjin was once again cut off but this time by his grandfather "I still don't know which is which." He said to Felix as he watched how the blonde looked at the silver back to the food. Felix smiled and nodded before Mr. Hwang picked up the piece of food with his hand and ate it. Felix felt as if he could breath again and picked up the food the same way smiling at Mr. Hwang.

Changbin watched with a wide smile completely forgetting that this was a critical dinner meeting. Hyunjin couldn't believe his grandfather.

During the next course Hyujin went on about the history of the company "We built ships as big as citities you are aware that my grandfather-"

"What is this?"

Hyunjin bit his lip in order to calm himself down. Changbin noticed but looked at the blonde "It's a french delicacy try it."

"Hyunjin." Changbin said giving the younger his attention as he asked for him to continue.

"Mr. Seo should you persue with your plans to acquire the company, which I doubt, what would be your plans?" Hyunjin asked getting to the whole point of the meeting.

Changbin sighed deciding not beat around the subject and just be upfront "My plans are to break down units and sell them individually." Felix was slightly overhearing the conversation but he was too busy trying figure out how to use the silverware.

"I hope you are aware that I do not approve of your idea of selling my thirty years of hard work into a sale stand." Mr Hwang said sternly trying to make his stand clear.

"With the price of the stock I'm willing to pay you. I can make you a very wealthy man Mr. Hwang."

"I have enough money. All I want to do his build my ships peacefully."

Felix pressed on the utensils to break the shell of but because of the sauce it slipped and flew acroos the table. Everyones eyes widen as they look at the waiter catch the delicacy. "It happens." He said to Felix who looked down and back at Changbin who was already chuckling.

Hyunjin looked at his grandfather as he tried to held in his laughter.

Next course

"I met your father not to long ago. I must say he isn't as bad as everyone says."

Changbin shrugged his shoulders "No I have the franchise for that." Trying to surpress every small emotion. "And you're proud of that?" Mr. Hwang asked looking at Changbin who shrugged once again.

"I wouldn't know. He passed away." Changbin replied looking for his spoon.

Mr. Hwang backed off the table a bit unware of the situation "I was not informed. I am sorry for your lost." Hyunjin looked at his food not knowing what to say.

Felix looked up reached over to gently give his hand a small squeeze "I'm sorry too." He said not being aware either.

Changbin shook it off as he remembered why he was here "Mr. Hwang you came to this meeting how can I help you." Changbin said going back to the original plan.

"Back off my company."

"That I can't do. I own more than half of the companies stock."

"I'll buy them back."

"You don't have the money."

Hyunjin shook his head deciding to intervene "Yes we will. We're in contracts with the Navy." Changbin smiled "Those contracts are basically non existent. They are no at the bottom of a pile within the committee." Changbin replied confidently taking a bite of his food.

"And how the hell do you do something like that? You have dirty politicians up your seleve or what?" Hyunjin asked enraged as he glared at Changbin. "Easy. Easy Hyunjin." Mr. Hwang pulls his grandson back.

Felix watched although he noticed how calm and collected Changbin was. "I have had enough. Grandfather I need to get some fresh air." Hyunjin said as he stood up and walked away without saying a word. "I better join my grandson. You two enjoy your dinner. Felix pleasure meeting you good luck." Mr. Hwang said as he over directly to Changbin.

"Be ready Seo. I'll make sure to destroy you."

"Looking forward to it."

Felix looked away not knowing what to say. Until he saw Changbin sit down and run his hand through his hair he seemed calm for the situation.

"He seems like a nice man." Felix said making Changbin smile his mood instantly lifting "I guess thirty thousand dollars doesn't buy you loyalty." Felix giggled making Changbin take a deep breath calming him.

Felix looked at the plate that was being placed infront of him but reached into his pockets to get the small packets of sauce to go along with his meal. The waiters eyes widen as he looked at his coworkers. Changbin noticed as they stared "It's sauce." They nodded and went back to minding their business.

"Haven't they scene sauce before?" Felix asked rolling his eyes as he took a bite of his food. "No not in tiny packages not in this building." Changbin said shaking his head yet a smile never left.

"Check please."

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