Scene 7

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Felix laid on the bed scrolling on his phone but he quickly got bored and walked out the living room only to find Changbin sitting by the balcony

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Felix laid on the bed scrolling on his phone but he quickly got bored and walked out the living room only to find Changbin sitting by the balcony.
"Changbin? Changbin! What's wrong? You said you didn't like the balcony. You've been quite all night. Is it because of the dinner? I think it went well right? The company is in trouble and you want to buy it but Mr. Hwang doesn't want you." Felix rambled on as he walked over to sit on the edge of the balcony ledge.

"Thank you for the summary." Changbin said as he anxiously watched the blonde sitting in a dangerous spot. "But the problem is that I think you like Mr.Hwang."

"What I would like is for you to get down in a safer place." Changbin said to which Felix smirked "Why? Would you rescue me if I fell?"

"Felix you're making me really nervous please get down." Changbin said sternly to which Felix didn't catch on as he leaned over making Changbin look away. "Felix please." Felix then noticed the concerned tone and got down.

"Okay sorry sorry."

"It doesn't matter wether I like Mr. Hwang or not. Emotions do not mix with business." Felix nodded seeing the olders point "I get you. That's what Jeongin always says that's why I don't kiss on the lips it can get emotional to personal you know?" Changbin nodded remembering what the blonde does.

"You stay numb letting no emotion in. That's why when I'm with a client I turn off a switch and just do it. Like a robot." Felix added getting the point of what Changbin said until he saw Changbin raise his eyebrow at what he had just said "I mean except with you." Felix sheepishly said making Changbin smile.

"You know we are smilar in what we do. We both screw people for money."

Felix shrugged his shoulders as he nodded "Your words not mine. Also I'm sorry about your dad. When did he pass away?"

"A month ago."

"Miss him?"

"I hadn't seen him in almost ten years. Hadn't talked to him in twelve." Changbin said holding back his anger. Felix noticed and walked over sitting on his lap "You don't like talking about this huh?"

"No." Changbin said quickly making Felix nod "I have an idea. Why don't we get comfortable and watch movie after movie and just relax." Felix suggest smiling brightly trying to lighten the mood up. Changbin only gave him a small smile "You do that I'll join you tomorrow. I'll be back later." Changbin said carefully pushing Felix off so he could get up.

Felix pouted as he asked "Where are you going?"

"I'll be downstairs." Changbin said befofore closing the door. Felix crossed his arms as he walked over to change into comfortable clothing and putting on a random movie.

After the first movie he was bored and there was no signs of Changbin coming back. Felix put on his shoes as he walked out calling the elevator.

Felix sighed in relief as he saw Seungmin was working the night shift. "Seungmin I need your help. Do you know where I can find Changbin?" Felix asked biting his finger nails.

Seungmin smiled brightly nodding "Follow me." He said ushing Felix in as he pressed the button to the lobby. Once they made it down Seungmin checked to make sure Chan wasn't near as he lead Felix over to the resturant.

Felix walked in thanking Seungmin who had to go back to his job. He heard the piano playing as workers were cleaning up. Felix walked until he got a clear view of Changbin. He crossed his arms as he reached the elder tapping his shoulder to get his attention.

Changbin turned around tirelessly he looked at Felix then at the workers that were staring. "Can you give us a moment?" Changbin asked to which the workers nodded knowing Chan gave them orders to listen to orders from special guest. "It's lonely upstairs." Felix said once the workers left.

Changbin pulled Felix over to stand right in front of him as he placed his hands on the blondes waist that was covered by the hotel robe. "Everyone listens to your order huh?" Changbin didn't say anything expect ran his hand over Felix body. Felix looked closely until Changbin stood up as they both stared at each other. Changbin effortlessly picked him up placing him onto of the piano.

Felix looked at Changbin "I guess that's a yes." Felix whispered leaning into the older touch. Changbin glanced at Felix lips as he tried to lean in but Felix moved making Changbin kiss down hid neck.

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