Scene 10

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Changbin opened the door to the hotel room exhausted but notices how Felix harshly puts down his stuff

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Changbin opened the door to the hotel room exhausted but notices how Felix harshly puts down his stuff. "You've been quite are you alright?" Changbin asked looking at the blonde who rolled his eyes as he walked away "I'm fine."

Felix was beyond mad at what Changbin had done he couldn't even think of another emotion to feel. "I've only gotten those two words from you can you please say something else." Changbin said sighing shaking his head as he heard the door slam.


Changbin blinked as he looked down at the messages "I liked the word fine better" he mumbled getting tired. "You know what? I don't understand why you made go to that stupid place! Why? So you could embarrass me in front of a crowd!? Why did you tell me to dress up? If I would have wore my clothes you wouldn't of have had to shout it out!" Felix shouted throwing his off randomly.

"I did not shout it out nor did I tell the whole club. I had to tell Minho he was being paranoid thinking you were a spy for the Hwangs. I'm sorry but I trust Minho he's been working for me for eight years-" Changbin said but stopped as he watched Felix turn his back and walking away "Felix! Felix! I am talking to you!" Changbin shouted walking right behind the blonde.

Felix turned around and glared "Look I hate to point out the truth but you are a hooker and you are also my employee. Now we will not spend the next three days acting like this!" Changbin stated making Felix cross his arms "That doesn't give you the right to treat me like this!"

"Felix I've apologized to you and I meant it!" Changbin replied making Felix sigh "I'm sorry I ever met you! I'm sorry I got into your stupid car that you can't even drive! I'm sorry I accepted your offer!" Felix shouted as he walked away towards the bathroom.

"As if you had anything better else to do." Changbin replied letting his emotions get involved. "I have never in my life had anyone treat me as poorly as you did today." Felix said grabbing everything he could see as his eyes became glossy. "I find that hard to believe." That was all it for Felix to rush into the room and pack his belongings.

Changbin ran his hand through his hair as he realized what he said and walked out only to notice Felix packing his stuff "Where are you going?"

"I want to leave and I want my money."

Changbin looked at Felix for a moment before reaching for wallet pulling out the check he had made and dropped it on the mattress.
He walked off going to get his messages from the living room when he saw Felix walk past him and out the door. Changbin looked back and noticed the check left untouched.

Felix pressed the button repeatedly hoping it would come faster as he wiped away some tears that had fallen. He tapped his foot impatiently biting his lip to suppress the tears. He heard the door open and watched as Changbin walked infront of the elevator. "Felix I'm sorry. I let my emotions get the best me. I was unprepared in regards to questions about us. I'm sorry for what I said and how acted it was stupid of me. I don't want you go, I want you to stay please?"

"Just tell why?"

"I saw you talking to Hwang Hyunjin."

Felix rolled his eyes as kept looking at elevator "We were just talking." Changbin sighed "I didn't like it."

The elevator door open "Down?" Seungmin asked smiling but noticed how Felix had his arms crossed and full of stuff. Felix looked at Changbin before shaking his head at Seungmin who nodded and closed the elevator door. "This better not happen again. You've hurt me enough." Felix whispered as he turned to walk back into the penthouse. Changbin nodded as he walked and helped Felix with his stuff.


Changbin smiled at Felix as they laid face to face in the dark room "It seemed as if I had this type for losers. My mom used to joke around and said it was all I ever attracted. My third boyfriend was probably the worst, it's the reason why I'm here. I was promised the life I always dreamed of but I ended up with nothing. Nothing absolutely nothing." Changbin stared at Felix amazed at the story he was hearing "How did you end up doing this job?"

Felix let out a soft laugh "I had a few jobs at random places like the pet store, restaurants, and small shops. Still I couldn't make enough for rent. My ego was to big to go back home and get made fun for going back as a failure. That's when I met Jeongin. He was hooker and he made it sound so great. So I did it and I cried the whole time. As time passed I got regulars and it just happened. I don't think anyone chooses this job as a first option you kinda just end up here." Changbin reached over to fix strand behind Felix ears "You could be so much more." Changbin whispered making Felix smile.

"People put you down so much you start to believe it."

"I think you have many talents. You're very bright and beautiful."

"It's easier to believe the worst than the nice stuff."

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