Chapter 4

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Nephertiti's POV

    The last bell that indicated the end of the day rang. The principal had sent two guides to show us where we would be staying, luckily. The boys already got escorted and we were well on our way.

   When I entered my room, the first thing I realized was that they were two beds. "Am I sharing with someone?" I asked the guide.
    "Yes," he replied, "you're sharing with a Mina Jeong." He bid me goodnight and left. Searching for my luggage, I realized that someone took them out of the bus and put them under the bed. I started to pack them out. I was so deep in my thoughts, I didn't notice that someone had entered the room till I heard the door shut.

      "So you're my new roommate," Mina, I assumed, stated. Looking up in her direction, I reckoned that she was quite tall.

     "Yeah, I am, got a problem with that?" I asked with a raised brow. "No," she said "you look pretty cool. I like your piercing."

My tongue was pierced twice.

"Thanks, you look pretty cool too. I like your hair. It's umm, unique," I offered with a smile. It was pretty unique. W buzz cut that was dyed red and blue, a Harley Quinn-type shit.

     We started to talk a little about ourselves. She was chill. After packing out I decided to take a bath. I brought my clothes into the bathroom and stripped them. Damn, these people had great taste.
     This bathroom was a good size and beautiful. Stepping into the shower, I turned the water to warm. This felt like a waterfall on my back. After about fifteen minutes I came out, dried off and went back into the room to find Melanie asleep.

    I was feeling sleepy so I just clicked on the night light and drifted off to sleep.

       The next morning I woke up early to get ready for class; which was surprising since I usually didn't give a fuck. Maybe it was because the first class was English and a certain someone was in that class. Mina, as she insisted I call her, was still asleep.
   Stepping out into the hallway, I closed the door gently and fixed my bag properly over my shoulder. I opened the door to the class and realized that most people were there already. Maybe five minutes before class isn't that early.

     Ava and Jhanessa were here too. "Where are the boys?" Jhanessa shrugged.

"I don't know, they're probably skipping."

    Turning to Ava, I asked, "So how's your partner Ava?" She blushed. "Well, his name is Mikhael and he's very sweet."

   "Ava, be careful. Don't let him take advantage of you," I said. She sighed, "I promise I won't." While she and Jhanessa talked some more I was secretly looking for Alex. Jhanessa saw this. "Who are you looking for, lover boy?"

    Rolling my eyes I answered, "He has a name, and yes that's who I'm looking for." Not long after I saw him in another ugly sweater. Cupping my hand over my mouth I shouted, "Xander, over here!" He was blushing so hard.

   I greeted him with a kiss on the cheek. "Hey." He touched his cheek like he couldn't believe what happened. "Hi, Nephertiti." I smiled at him. "You can call me Neph."

   Mrs. Claire walked in a began. "Good morning class, today you will be starting your project. You guys will be writing a piece of work in either poetry, prose, drama, non-fiction or media form. It must be well written. You can use any appropriate topic or genre of your choice."

    Looking at Xander, I asked him what topic and piece we should choose. "I think we should do a poem." Laughing I answered, "I guess you are all on your own because I don't know how to write poems."

"T-that's okay. Maybe we can meet up after school and discuss the genre?"

"I'm joking, I'm not going to let you do the group work by yourself. And is that your way of asking me out, Xander?"

"No, of course not. I just thought that maybe-"

  "Chill Xander, it was a joke. Are you like this with everyone?" I questioned curiously. "N-not really."

  Today's class was one session so it was only for about thirty minutes and it ended quickly. Ava and Nessa had already left for their next class. The classroom had cleared out so we were the only ones left back. Walking closer I asked, "So can we meet up at your place?"

"Y-yeah sure."


     It was the end of the day and I couldn't be more happier. I couldn't wait to get some alone time with Xander. Walking to the quadrangle, I realized how peaceful it was here. It was so different from Madden. Finally reaching the courtyard, I saw Xander with his head deep in his book; and Bianca beside him. Ugh.

    "Hey, Xander." He looked up and smiled. "H-hey, Neph."

  "Oh, so you guys are on a nickname basis now, Alexander, you meet her yesterday."

  Laughing bitterly I answered, "What, are you jealous, Brittany?"

She was fuming. "For the last time, it's Bianca. And no I'm not jealous." Liar.

  "Then I think we should get on our way, right Xander?"

  Looking between us nervously he replied, "Yes, bye Bianca."

And just because, I added, "Yeah, bye... Broklyn." Why am I like this?

  Xander was leading us to the parking lot so asked him where we were going. "We're going to get my car." Why were we going to get his car? I voiced my thoughts to him. "Um, I don't share a room in the dorms like the other kids."

  "What, are you more special than them or something?"
   "O-of course not." He sighed and pushed his glasses up his nose. "My parents are quite affluent so they decided that I should have my own space." We were now in the parking lot and I honest to God thought I stepped into a car park. There were cars everywhere. And everything looked expensive.

  "Woah, which one of these babies is yours?" He leads us over to an Aston Martin Vanquish. I wolf-whistled. "Damn, sweet ride."

"Thanks." Opening the door and sliding inside I fell in love instantly. The leather seats felt smooth against my thighs. And the car smelt just like him. Vanilla with a hint of cinnamon.

"Where are we going exactly," I asked curiously. "I live a little bit away from campus." I nodded. "Okay." How does he get to leave? I guess his parents are richer than I thought. The ride was quiet, but comfortable quiet. After about fifteen minutes, we reached our destination. This house screamed money. It was a two-story house with a beautiful exterior.

Getting out I asked, "You live here?" He looked uncomfortable. "My parents bought it for me to stay in when I came to West Lake. My housekeeper and I live here." Damn, people just be buying houses. Not wanting him to feel more uncomfortable, I dropped the topic. Walking inside, I was dumbfounded. The interior looked even better.

  "Well? Are we doing this in your living room?" I questioned, slipping off my shoes and placing them to the side. 

"Or the bedroom, if you want." 

Glancing over at him cheekily, I replied. "The bedroom already, Xander? At least take me on a date first." 

 "What? N-no, I didn't mean it like that, I swear! I just wanted to go somewhere c-comfortable and-"

Almost closing the distance between us, I gently pulled him closer to me by his tie. A nervous breath fanned my face as he looked down at me. A sultry smile framed my lips as my eyes met his very much panicked ones. A rouge blush erupted across his face from our close proximity, the glasses he wore fogging up. 

"I'm just messing with you again, love. You make this so easy," I teased, stepping back after pushing his glasses up for him. 

"Right," he chuckled timidly, "I knew that. Let's head up n-now."

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