Chapter 12

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Nephertiti's POV

  Oh my fucking god. I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. Xander was leaned up against a tree against, Bianca had her lips pressed against his. I wanted to be rational; but my emotions got the best of me so I spun around and ran to someone I knew I could talk to. Elijah.

I already knew my way around the boys dorm; but I had to be careful because I don't want to get caught. Knocking on his door, a skinny boy opened it, looking annoyed.

"Is Elijah here?"

"Who are you? Your not supposed to be here." Pushing him aside, my eyes searched the room; landing on Elijah.

"Neph, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" He questioned, the worry evident in his eyes. Somehow controlling my sobs, I explained what I saw.

"X-xander and Bianca were kissing and I saw them and I j-just don't know what to do," I sobbed. He glared at his roommate, ordering him to get out; and without hesitation he did.

"Calm down. Tell me exactly what happened," he said softly, pulling me into his lap. Repeating exactly what I saw, he listened intently.

Wiping my tears, he looked into my eyes. "Neph, is Xander the type of person that would do that?"

"No, but-"

"It might be a misunderstanding, so confront him about it, okay?" He finished. I nodded, but I wasn't going to confront him gently. "I'm going to stay here for the night." He kissed my forehead and told me goodnight. Curling up in his warm side, I fell asleep with the image of Xander and Bianca printed in my mind.


The next day I went to school, much to my friends' surprise. I was not going to cry and throw a pity party like some little bitch because my love life is fucked up. I did my hair and put on a little makeup and picked out a sexy outfit that showed off my assets.

Walking towards class, I got a lot of looks; especially from the boys. The hallway parted like the Red Sea when I passed through. Then to my favorite class, English. Usually, I would sit with Xander, but today I sat beside some hot airhead.

Smiling seductively, I leaned over showing my cleavage, "Hey handsome." His eyes drifted to my chest and then back up.

"Well, hello beautiful, I'm Lucas. And you're the hottest thing I've ever seen."

I purposefully sat at an angle where Xander could see and hear everything that was going on. "Really? Thank you," I laughed, twirling a piece of hair around my finger. I heard something snap and turned. Alexander had a murderous look on his face and a broken pencil in his hand. Good.

Turning around, I leaned in even closer, urging him to come closer. Running my finger up and down his chiselled jaw, I whispered sensually, "You wouldn't mind doing me a favour right?"

Gulping visibly, he said, "Sure. Anything for you." The boys were so easy.

"So the thing is, I want to make someone jealous; you in?"

"What do I get out of it?" He questioned.

"To flirt with a pretty girl of course. And if you play your cards right, you might get a kiss," I said, biting my lips.

Glancing down at my lips, he replied, "Hell yes. And I'm assuming it's that guy with the glasses staring at me with vengeance? Because if looks could kill."

Genuinely laughing this time I told him yes. We flirted heavily for the majority of the class until Mrs Claire decided to interrupt us. "Do you have something you want to share with the class Mr Henderson? It must be something important for you to be talking during my class."

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