Chapter 6

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Nephertiti's POV

    Well this is awkward. His parents, I assume were looking at me like I was some other species while his brother gave him an appraising look. Stepping forward, I approached them.

"Good morning..." I trailed off waiting for them to introduce themselves. His mother still looked dumbstruck so his father stepped forward. With a kind but somewhat stoic smile he greeted me. "Good morning, I'm Mr. Drew Carson, this is wife, Helen, and my older son. Xavier. And you are?"

Smiling politely I answered, "I'm Nephertiti Micheals. Xander's," I paused for a moment, "friend."

His mother looked at me then to him. "Alexander darling, why didn't you tell me you had such a lovely lady friend?" Before he could reply, Xavier cut him off.

"Don't you guys have school today," he questioned suspiciously.

"Yes. We do, we just got...preoccupied yesterday and we're tired," I replied before Xander makes a fool out if himself. Pulling down the bottom of the shirt, I turned to Xander.

"Xander, can I talk to you please?" Glancing at his parents I added, "Privately." Dragging in out of his seat I went into the living room. "Did you know they were coming today?"

"I didn't. I swear." He looked sincere enough. Sighing I replied, "Do you want me to stay or go back to campus?"

I secretly hoped he would say stay. Running a hand through his dark hair he answered, "I think you should stay. I-If that's okay with you. If you d-don't want to I completely under-"

Cutting him off I threw my hands around his neck as I kissed him. I took his hands and put them on my waist. Breaking the kiss I told him he could put his hands on my ass if he wanted. With a look of either uncertainty or shyness, his huge hands travelled down to my bottom, grabbing it.

"Oh my. It's so s-soft," he said eyes wide open. Wrapping my arm around his neck once again, I kissed him adding tongue this time. He was stunned at first, but kissed me back with just as much force. Surprising me, he hooked his arms under my thighs and lifted me to his waist. Smirking, I teased him, "Well someone's a quick learner."

Pressing me against the wall he trailed kisses down my neck, leaving love bites in his path. I kindly returned the favour. Running my hand through his hair, I put his lips on mine. He broke the kiss whispering in a breathless, husky voice.

"Remember my family is still in the next room waiting for us." Shit.
Jumping out of his arms, I told him that we'll continue this later. I tried to run my hands through my hair to make it look like we're weren't just playing tonsil hockey. Key word, tried. Walking back into the kitchen, we sat down. His mother looked suspicious, but his brother gave him a long knowing look. "So, brunch anyone? We can go to Diane's. They have the best omelets," Xavier suggested.

"Y-yeah sure, lemme clean up first," Xander said. I agreed and walked up the stairs behind him. I took a quick shower and remembered that Xander offered to wash my clothes from yesterday for me.

Xander had already placed my clothes, including my undergarments from yesterday; on the bed. Pulling on my underwear and the shirt, I fluffed up my hair and tugged on my socks and shoes.

Something shiny on the dresser caught my eye. Walking closer I picked it up. It was a gorgeous watch, which I didn't know the name for and looked expensive. I'm sure Xander wouldn't mind me wearing it a little bit, right? Shrugging, I put it on.

After spritzing some of Xander's cologne on, I jogged down the stairs. "I'm ready," I said as I walked into the kitchen.

Xavier whistled as I came in view. "Nice jeans," he said, eyes looking me up and down, eyes stopping in my behind for a split second.

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