Chapter 21

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Nephertiti's POV

     Pregnancy is a bitch. Five months into it and I swear if I didn't have Xander I would be going crazy. At times I swear this baby is doing some form of gymnastics in my tummy. We decided to wait until after the baby came to get married.

Today we were supposed to go to a doctor's appointment, and to be honest I was a bit nervous Putting on a simple white T-shirt and ripped shorts, I walked downstairs.

"Babe, I'm ready," I said. But he was so invested in whatever he was watching to hear me. "Babe, I said I'm ready." Still no answer.

"Babe!" I shouted, finally getting his attention. "I said I'm ready, what are you watching?" Walking over, I peeped over to look at the screen. He put the phone done and turned to me.

"I'm watching YouTube videos."

"About what?"

"Hair tutorials, I want to start practising from now," he said smiling widely. Tears came to my eyes. I've been crying over the stupidest shit for the past months. He quickly took me in his arms, asking if I was okay.

"I'm sorry, emotions are all over the place," I sobbed. He put my legs over him and wrapped his arms around my waist. "That's okay baby, you can cry as much as you want."

I wiped my tears and smiled. Leaning in, I kissed him. I was horny ninety-eight per cent of the time, so we had sex, a lot. "We are going to be late Neph," he mumbled against my lips.

"Don't care, I need you right now," I said, pulling my shirt over my head. "Aren't you tired?" he questioned. Breaking the kiss I looked at him. "Why would I be tired?"

He looked at me with disbelief. "It's only eleven o'clock and we've had sex twice already."

I took off my jeans and went back onto his lap. "You don't seem tired," I said, referring to the hard bulge in his pants. I pouted, "Don't you love me anymore? It's because I've gotten big, isn't it? I knew it—"

He took my face in his and kissed away my tears. "Listen to me, you are the most beautiful woman ever, and our baby makes you even more beautiful, and don't you forget it."

Pressing a soft kiss to my lips, he kissed a path to my aching breasts. Wrapping his warm lips around my sensitive nipples, he moved his tongue in circles; making me let out a throaty moan.

Giving the next nipple the same amount of attention, he took his clothes off; leaving us both naked on the couch. Holding me by the waist, he gently set me down on his hardness. "God, I will never get tired of this feeling," he moaned.

Putting my arms on his shoulders, I gripped them tightly; rolling my hips. He grips my hips as he starts moving and out of me, and we give into our primal urgencies, moaning and panting. And it didn't take long for us to reach our peak. With sweat dripping off of our skin, I looked into his eyes, just as I climaxed. "I love you, Xander!"

"I love you, Neph!" he reciprocated. Coming down from our high, we stopped to catch our breaths. He lifted me up and brought me to our bedroom. "What are you doing?" I questioned.

Pushing the bathroom door open with his shoulder, he put me in the bath and turned on the water to the right temperature. "I'm bathing my wife, can't a man do that anymore?"

I smiled widely. "That sounds so good coming from your mouth." Putting body wash on the loofah, he began lathering my body with soap. Running it ever so softly across my body, he rubbed my tummy. A few minutes later I was on the bed waiting for him to pick out my clothes. "You do know that I'm not a baby right?"

Walking over to me, he laid down a pair of joggers and a huge T-shirt. Squeezing my cheeks with one hand, he pecked my lips. "You're my baby, now lift your hands." Obeying him, I lifted my hands so he could put my bra on. He clasped it, and threw the T-shirt over my head; followed by my underwear and joggers.

"Why do I look so covered?" I asked as we walked down the stairs, or as he brought me down, and passed a mirror. Putting me down in the passenger seat, he went over to the driver's side. "If you haven't noticed, your breasts and ass are considerably bigger, and I don't want anyone else looking at my woman as if she's a piece of meat."

I stared at him, then shrugged.


We reached the doctor's office and I was laying down on the bed with my shirt under my boobs. "Good day Mr. Carson, I believe you already know the procedure Mrs. Carson," Dr. Simpson, their—our, family doctor asked. I nodded and prepared for the overly cold gel to be spread on my stomach.

"Good, why must it always be so cold," I hissed, as he applied the gel over my tummy. Apologizing, he proceeded to put a weird-looking object on my belly, circling it. We waited for a few minutes, then saw a shape on the monitor; and a heartbeat.

I gripped Xander's hand tighter, smiling up at me. "This is so real, no matter how many times I see it." Yeah, it was.

"But why does it look like that?" I asked, confused. Dr Simpson chuckled before answering me. "It will look like that until it's fully developed. Would you like to know the gender of your baby?"

He paused for a minute and squinted at the monitor. Running the machine over my belly once more, he turned to us, a smile of surprise on his face. "Would you like to know the gender of your babies?"

With wide eyes, our eyes connected at the same time. "Babies?" we asked simultaneously.

"Yes, babies. You're having twins."

"We're having twins," he said in disbelief. "We're having twins, Neph!" he said with more enthusiasm. I shrieked happily and hugged him. "Do you want to know the genders?" I asked.

"Yes, I really do, do you?"

Nodding in agreement, we turned to the doctor; signalling him to continue. He did something on the computer before facing us. "A boy and a girl, congratulations."

Not caring that I had the gel on my belly, he lifted me up and placed a big kiss on my mouth. "I cannot wait."

I laughed as he put me down. "Xander, you're shirt is full of the stuff." He shrugged and took it off, exposing his gloriously sexy body. And of course, my hormones had to act up.

"Damn, I am one lucky bitch. You look so good, I could eat you up right now. I just wanna ride you like a—"

Dr. Simpson cleared his throat, cutting me off. "Sorry to interrupt, but you'll need to come back two weeks from now, just to make sure everything is going the way it's supposed to. Now let me clean that off, and you can go."

Twenty minutes later, we were finished and were walking through the hallway. I looked to the side and realized that the receptionist was ogling Xanders' body, practically eye-fucking him and biting her lips. Anger swelled in my head. Geez, what is it with me and the receptionists?

Walking up to her, I smiled sweetly. "Hey, do you know what this is?" I asked, showing her the ring on my left hand. Confused, she replied with an attitude, "Of course I do, I'm not dumb."

"Good, now you see that band on his finger? That means it's my man, and I suggest if you want to keep those beady-ass bug eyes in your head; then keep them the fuck off of my man. Have a nice day."

Spinning around, I walked to the car, leaving a stunned Xander behind me. Getting in the passenger seat, I waited for him to enter. "I'm sorry I overreacted, I swear it's the hormones."

Biting his lip, he hoisted me over onto his lap, leaning the seat back to give my belly space. "Sorry for what? That was incredibly sexy."

"I'm glad me threatening people turns you on," I said jokingly. I shifted on his lap, only to feel how excited he was. I gasped playfully and shifted again.

He groaned as he gripped my waist. "Unless you plan to do something about that, stop torturing me, babe."

Running my hand through his hair, I leaned down to his ear, brushing my lips against it. "Who said that I plan to stop?"

Let's just say that the windows got quite fogged up for an hour or so.

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