Chapter 15

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Nephertiti's POV

The ride to his house was awkward as fuck, so I jumped out of the car as soon as he drove up. As I walked into the kitchen, memories that we made came up in my mind.

"Remember the time you tried to bake," he said.

I laughed. "What you do mean by tried? I think I did a pretty good job."

"Says the person who couldn't crack an egg," he taunted.

"I can, the eggs weren't just cooperating," I huffed.

Silence took over the room as we sat down. "Xander I-"

"Neph, it's okay."

"No, let me talk. I am so, so sorry. I've been so inconsiderate and mean towards you. I love you so much and I didn't want to lose you so I thought staying away would be the best option but I was wrong. I was so wrong, so wrong, but you didn't even care."

I was crying at this point. "And you just had to be so caring, loving sweet and handsome. And I was such a bitch. I know I'm asking for a lot but I want you back, I don't deserve your love but-"

A soft pair of lips pressed against mine, cutting me off. "I already said it's okay Neph, I love you and you love me and that's all that matters."

Why does he have to be so understanding and forgiving?

Tears clouded my eyes but he just wiped them away, smiling. Without thinking I straddled his lap and kissed him, pouring out all my emotions in the kiss. He held on to my ass, sinking his fingers into it.

I could feel my underwear being soaked by the minute. "Upstairs, now."

Without hesitation, he boosted me up, lifting me up the stairs and into the bedroom. The door wasn't even properly closed before we started tearing off each other's clothes.

I lean my head back as he trails kisses down my neck, sucking and kissing till my toes curl. "I need you now, Xander," I panted.

"Wait, I want to taste you first," he said, looking at me. I nodded. Going down on his knees, he pushed my legs open; latching his mouth onto my clit.

"Fuck, Xander," I moaned, pulling in his hair. Without warning, he slid two fingers inside my dripping pussy, curling them. I swear I could see stars.

Just as I was about to come, he stopped. Glaring at him with anger, I squealed, "Why the fuck did you stop? I was almost there."

He sat back with a gleam in his eyes. "Do you have any idea how many hard ons I couldn't get rid of? A lot. Especially when you wore that dress."

"You could have masturbated, you know."

"It wouldn't feel the same as when your walls tightened around me, you know that."

I moaned with sexual frustration. "Xander, come on. What do I have to do?"

He thought for a second. "Beg. Beg for it." I looked at him with disbelief. "Please tell me you're joking? I won't beg."

He got up and reached for his pants. "I guess I'll go then. Bianca wouldn't tell me no," he said with the most serious expression ever.

"Oh hell no," I sighed, "Please, Xander."

"I'm sure you can do better than that, love," he teased.

I groaned. "Fine. Can you please fuck me until I can't walk straight?" His eyes darkened.

"Better." Pushing me down in my belly, he held my waist; positioning his tip at my entrance. As he slid into me for the first time in almost two weeks, I had to clutch the sheets.

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