Chapter 7

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Nephertiti up top⬆️


Nephertiti's POV

  After a short meeting with Mr Duncan, he agreed to extend our time here since we asked. A month had passed and things have never been better. Xander and I have grown significantly closer over the short space of time we've been together. He even almost stopped stuttering around me. I think I might have feelings for him; which was not good considering that I'll only be here for a few more weeks.

  We were out on the lawn because it was a free period. I was situated between Xander's legs, my head resting on his chest and Bianca's glare burning through my skull.

"So are you guys a couple or something?" She just had to ruin the moment. I sighed. "Or something."

Looking over at Fatima and Damien, I smiled. The two had gotten quite close too; and they haven't fucked. Yet. Jaxon has been hanging out with some chick named Emily. She was cool.

"Umm, Alexander, what is that on your neck?" Bianca questioned, again. He touched the side of this neck.

"What are you talking about, I don't have anything on my neck."

Smirking, I looked at her. "Those are called hickies, love bites. And I gave them to him, he has a few more in other places." And boy let me tell you, if looks could kill I'd be six feet under right now.

She stood up abruptly. "How could you Alexander? I thought that you liked me." Furrowing his eyebrows he looked taken back. "I don't remember telling you that, Bianca."

She she gaping like a fucking fish. "But you brought my books for me and walked me to class."

"I was just being polite, Bianca. Please stop overreacting, people are staring." A lot of people were looking over at us now.

"I'm not overreacting. You've stop doing those stuff for me since that bitch," she glared at me, "came to our school. You're supposed to love me, not her. She's not even that pretty."

This bitch.

I really wanted to answer it, ahem, her, but I also didn't want to fuck up and have to leave.

"Let me get something straight Bianca. Neph will be more beautiful than you ever could. And stop being delusional, I do love you, just as a friend."

To say she was pissed would be the understatement of the year. Huffing, she walked away. Its not like she could've done anything else.

 Turning to him, I smiled and gave him a kiss. "So, from a scale of one to ten, how beautiful am I?"

Gazing deep into my brown eyes he answered, "There is nothing in this universe that can describe how beautiful you are." Well damn. Fuck butterflies, the whole damn zoo was in my tummy. Or maybe it was just the curry I had earlier.


School finished about thirty minutes ago and Xander and I were chilling in my room. We had the room to ourselves since Mina wouldn't be back for now. As he was on his back, I threw my legs over his, straddling him. Placing my hands on his shoulder, I leaned down, capturing his lips. Coaxing his mouth open slowly, I caressed his tongue with mine. Tilting my head, I deepened the kiss. Sliding my hands downwards, I palmed his manhood.

He moaned deeply, breaking the kiss and placing his hand over mine. "A-as much as I like this, I don't want to do it as yet."

Do it?
Raising my eyebrows I asked, "Do what?"

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