Chapter 11

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Nephertiti's POV

  Have you ever felt like you couldn't take life anymore? That your life could not get any worse? Well, apparently it can. My father decided that after all these years, he finally wants to be in my life. He somehow sent a letter to my dorm room before I woke.

Dear Nephertiti,
      I know you probably hate me and don't want anything to do with me but I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being there when you needed a father figure; someone to look up to. I'm sorry for not being there when Natalie passed. It pains me everyday to know how much I've  missed out in your life. And I know that it will take time but I  hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I'll keep in touch.
                           Sincerely, Elias.

Does he think that an apology can make up for all the years lost? Before I could think more on the subject, a knock door sounded at the door. Who could that be? Opening the door, I shut it almost immediately when I saw who it was.

"Neph, wait. I promise this isn't about us," Xander explained. Sighing, I widened the door. "You have three minutes."

"Remember that event my parents wanted you to attend? It's tomorrow night and they still want you to come. And before you decline, my mother already bought a dress for you, she would be devastated if you didn't show up in her dress."

Her dress?  "Is she a fashion designer?"

"Yes, she made it specifically for you. Imagine how sad she would be? So you have to come."

This guilt trip thing was really working. Sighing, I replied, "Fine. Just know I'm not doing this for you, this is for your mother." His eyes brightened a bit.

"Y-yeah. I know that. I will drop the dress off tomorrow and pick up at eight."

"Whatever, go trip over a knife or something," I said coldly. I didn't actually mean that, I just wanted to hurt his feelings. Bitch move, I know. As his beautiful eyes saddened, my heart ached; as he began backing away. "O-okay. Bye."

Without even answering him, I slammed the door in his face. As I was walking towards the bed I heard another knock. With an angry scowl on my face, I swung the door open. "Can you just lea-oh. Hey guys."

Jhanessa, Ava and the boys were at the door. "Come in, guys. Don't you have classes?" I questioned.

"We do, but Ava insisted we come 'comfort' you; which is a waste of time if you ask me," Elijah said plainly. Smiling sarcastically, I replied, "Wow. Thanks for caring, Elijah."

"Anytime, sugar." Laughing lightly, I silently thanked him. He some how managed to cheer me up a little with his vagueness.

"So we've realized that you and Xander are not talking and we're not gonna pry-"

"We're not? So why'd you bring me here?" Christian joked. Ava glared at him, telling him to chill out.

"As Ava was saying, I know you don't like talking about your feelings, so we'll just stay here and chill with you," Jhanessa continued.

"Yeah, no. I'm not in the mood." Then she pulled out a bucket of ice cream, and chocolate bars out of her bag.

"Wow. I'm suddenly in the mood. Now pass that." Chuckling, she handed me the ice cream.

About half an hour later, they were all invested in the movie I put on, so I sneaked out to get some fresh air. As I was admiring nature, I heard foot steps behind me. Turning around, I saw Elijah.

"Hey," I said. He responded with a nod.

Sitting beside me in Indian style, he began talking. "I don't know what went down between you and Alexander, but y'all need to work it out. Seriously, you're grumpy as fuck."

"It's not that easy, Eli. He lied to me, and I didn't find out on my terms either," I said softly, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Quit being a selfish bitch, and I mean that affectionately. Just give him a chance, he's a good kid. And I know you feel hurt but you got to see things from his perspective, I'm not saying whatever he did was right, but I'm sure he did it for a good reason."

"You know, that's what I love about you. Your ability to seem completely detached but you know just what to say," I said as I smiled up at him. He was seriously like a big brother to me.

"I saw a letter, one from your father. I didn't know you talked to him?" I didn't even have the energy to get angry.

Sighing, I replied, "I don't. It just showed up this morning."

Turning to me the said, "I think you should hear him out okay." I gave him a 'what the fuck' look.

"You never know what might happen. Just try it one time, and if he fucks up then you don't have to talk to him again."

"Fine. Thank you. Really." Leaning down he kissed me on my forehead.

"Anything for you, sugar."


  The day had passed by quicker than I had anticipated. I was really looking forward to tomorrow for some reason. Laying in bed bored, I realized that I only had a few days left here. I don't want to leave on a bad note with Xander, but my pride and ego are way too big. Plus I was still very upset.

It was a windy, peaceful night so I decided to take a walk. Throwing on Xander's hoodie, which is now mine; I tip-toed out of the room, trying not to wake Mina. Walking out into the fresh air I took a deep breath. After fifteen minutes I was ready to go back in until I saw something that caught my eye.

Bianca. And oh no, she wasn't alone. Alexander was there with her. With his tongue down her fucking throat.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

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