Chapter 10

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Nephertiti's POV

  Backing away, I stared at him in disbelief. "Please tell me this is a joke." He looked away. "Xander, please."

"I-I swear I was gonna tell you."
Scoffing, I replied, "When Xander? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Neph just listen to m-", Cutting him off, I screamed.

"NO! I wouldn't even know that you were sick if you weren't just fucking bleeding a while ago."

"I just wanted to wait until it was the right time," he muttered.

"And when was the right time? When you're on your death bed? First my mom and now you? It seems I have no fucking luck with these stuff, huh."

"I love you Neph and you know that I would never hurt you," he said with tears in his eyes.

"Well you did. You should've told be before you told me you lived me back.
What if something spontaneously happened to you and I was unaware of it?"

At this point tears were streaming down my face. He just made me feel so vulnerable. This is the second time I've cried in a damn month and I haven't cried since my mom died two years ago.

Voice breaking, he stepped towards me, "P-please Neph, I didn't tell you because I t-thought you wouldn't want to be with me. You are the best thing that has happened to me and I d-don't want to lose you."

Stepping backwards, I tried to control the trembling in my voice as I continued to speak. "I'm not like that and you know it, I would have been with you regardless. But now I-I'm not so sure."

His eyes widened. Not even trying to hide his tears, he replied with a cracking voice. "Please Neph, don't do this. I can't imagine my life without you."

With a broken voice, I turned my back to him and replied, "You should've been honest Alexander. I...just give me some time and stay away." And with that being said, I walked into the school, not looking back.


Today has been absolutely shitty. I was cranky as hell and my friends made sure to stay clear of me even though they didn't know why I was angry. The bell rang for lunch and I wasn't sure if I was going to go to lunch or not. But unfortunately, my belly had already chosen. Why did we have to eat food? Fuck! I was one hundred percent positive that I would see him. Xander and I haven't crossed paths since this morning and I was not looking forward to it.

As I stepped into the cafeteria, the first thing I did was look for Xander. He wasn't there. So why was I sad? Shifting my eyes away, I went and ordered my lunch, a simple turkey sandwich and a bottled water because I wasn't very hungry.

"Neph, over here," someone shouted. Fatima stood up waving me over to the table with a huge grin. Sigh. I guess I have to. Before I could even take a step someone deliberately shoved me, making me drop my sandwich. Somebody's about to get it. First my love life then my food? I fuck with anything except my food. Getting up, I looked at the person with the deadliest glare I could muster up.

"Oops, I guess you should, like, which where you're going."

Great, my day could not get any worse. "Amelia, hi."

Offended, she answered, "It's Amanda, not Amelia."

"Whatever Amoya, you're buying back my lunch." With a shrilly laugh, she responded.

"You're joking right? Accidents definitely happen you know."

Stepping closer to her, I replied angrily, "Well, maybe I'll accidentally land my fist unto your fucking face."

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