17: Till death do us part

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"Rose come on! You're supposed to be walking down that aisle in less that five minutes!" My friend, Sarah, was standing outside the bathroom door yelling at me which wasn't helping my anxiety right now. I had locked myself in here about an hour ago trying to get some peace and quiet to calm my nerves but it wasn't working. Gio was about to walk down the aisle and wait patiently for me to stroll down it arm in arm with my father. The thought of all those random people staring at me was freaking me out, what if I tripped? What if my dress rips and everyone sees me basically naked? What if Gio decides marriage isn't what he wants and leaves me at the alter? I wished that Gio could help calm me right now but he promised not to read my thoughts until after the wedding so he didn't see what my dress looked like until I walked down the aisle. I could only imagine how I looked right now. I was sitting on the floor in a bathroom with my dress sprawled out around me, and I was trying not to hyperventilate. I had to make sure that I had all the basic things the bride is supposed to have. I wore my mothers wedding shoes as my something old, and my dress was something new. I had on Sarah's favorite anklet as my something borrowed, and Sebastian gave me a small simple diamond tiara with sapphires in it as my something blue. I had everything I needed, except my courage.

"Rose. Can I come in." It was Sebastian. Wasn't he supposed to be waiting down the aisle right now? Oh no, this was it, he was here to tell me Gio bailed. "Rose, everything is fine just let me in so we can talk okay?" I slowly stood up and reached for the door with a shaky hand, I don't think I had eaten anything all day but my nerves were through the roof. I pulled the door open to see Sebastian standing there with a plate full of warm chocolate pop-tarts that smelled amazing. He handed me the plate and stepped into the bathroom with me. We both sat on the ground and he watched me eat three pop-tarts before speaking again.

"Feel better?" I nodded my head as I chewed another huge bite of the gooey treat. "Sarah told me your were feeling a little anxious about today, I just came to assure you that everything is fine. Gio hasn't changed his mind and he isn't going to. All the guests are patiently waiting to see the beautiful bride walk down the aisle to meet the love of her life. I will be right behind Gio, and Sarah will be right behind you the whole time. All your favorite people will be right up there next to each other to support you. I have to go now but I promise, everything is going to be just fine." With that he place a light kiss on my forehead and was gone before I could move. I have to admit, that really did help my nerves. Setting the plate on the sink I walked out to find my father sitting outside the door waiting for me.

"Hey honey, are you ready?" He quickly stood and offered me his arm which I quickly took, glad for the steady support it offered. We began making our way toward the set of huge double French doors that lead outside straight to Gio.

"Hey dad, I love you."

"I love you to hun. I'm so happy I lived to see the day my baby girl got married." I could see the glint of tears in his eyes but couldn't comment on it before the doors were pulled open.

I stared straight ahead at Gio not only because I knew that if I looked at the crowd I would panic but also because Gio looked amazing today. He usually dressed nice but seeing him and a tux was a whole different look. He wore a deep black tux over a white dress shirt and wore the dark red tie I had picked for him. Sebastian wore a navy suit with a black tie, and Sarah wore a dark red dress the same color as Gio's tie. I knew my color choices would look great together. The music drew to a close as my father and I reached Gio and the officiant began talking.

"Who gives away this woman to this man?"

"I, her father, does." My father then let go of my arm and joined my mother in the crowd. Gio immediately took my hand and lead my up the steps to him. I glanced out at the crowed which was a mistake. The panic took over immediately and I didn't hear a word of what was said. I don't even remember saying what I was supposed to. The next thing I knew, the officiant pronounced us man and wife before Gio kissed me. The kiss seemed to last forever but it felt so right. When Gio pulled back he rested his forhead on mine for a moment.

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