My Parents Just Pulled The Thanos Snap

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so uh
This is gonna be sad as an fyi
so i'll give you the art first

so uhThis is gonna be sad as an fyiso i'll give you the art first

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The two unnamed ocs

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The two unnamed ocs

The two unnamed ocs

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ArisonI've been trying a lot of different styles and I greatly regret it because i love all of them

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I've been trying a lot of different styles and I greatly regret it because i love all of them

ArisonI've been trying a lot of different styles and I greatly regret it because i love all of them

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ArIsOn AgAiN

guess whatit'sa r i s o n

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guess what
a r i s o n

this one looked good until i drew wings but heyat least i got to draw more wings

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this one looked good until i drew wings but hey
at least i got to draw more wings.

did all of those last night

okay and the sad part ahaha

So as some of you know. a while back in we got ten chicks.
all ten chicks were fine until one of them disappeared (emu). we still don't know where she is, and she hasn't come back; we think she's gone for good.

Now. chicken little (yes that's her name) has had a problem with her digestive system since day one, causing her to not grow very much. she's absolutely dwarfed by all of the other chickens. it also messed up her feathers, so her feathers started growing as if she was the normal size; it made her wings look huge as the feathers grew in.
she practically has no,, meat let's call it,, on her, and when you pick her up you can literally feel her ribcage. She's fragile as hell as well. She's still got some fluff from when she was a chick.

the thing is that my family had nearly given up on her fully. i was the only one that fully believed she was going to survive.

so today my mum came up to me and my brother and said they were going to have to put her down because they think she was in a lot of pain, even though she wasn't showing it, which makes complete sense.

so this afternoon we gonna say our "goodbyes" to her and they're gonna do something that kills her; i think they're taking her to the vet or something, idk. i've already said my goodbyes to her because i don't wanna cry in front of the family.

i'm just idk right now. i'm mad at parents for giving up on her, but that's because i am kinda refusing to believe that she's in pain,, which she probably is,,

tbh what i really mean to say is that be ready for anything from me. i might not respond at all, i might respond late, i might respond at the same time i normally do

it's just bleh

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