Chapter 13

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Learning to love and trust Part 2
Jake loses his memories
Logans POV
Currently me and my team are all in the waiting room of a hospital right now why? It's because my baby brother Jake got hurt at my ranch when he was riding one of the horses with me and he accidentally fell off the horse and hit his head hard.
Logans POV
Me and Jake are currently riding horses together at my ranch just having a good time we decided to come up here just to relax and take a break from business stuff. "You having fun jakey?"i asked him as we just kept riding next to each other "yeah im having logey thanks for taking me here it's beautiful" he says I smiled softly at him. Then suddenly as we were heading back to my ranch house there was a tree stump in the middle of the path way my horse immediately stopped but the horse Jake was on got scared and accidentally flung Jake off its back "LOGEY!" I hear Jake screaming my name then I hear silence I immediately get off my horse and went over to Jake he wasn't moving of breathing "jakey you okay? Baby wake up" I say shaking him a little to wake him up my voice rising with scared and worried tone I carefully pick up Jake and held him bridely style I grabbed both horses holding on to them tightly then immediately ran quickly back to my ranch once I reached my ranch house I screamed loudly so that everyone can hear me "GUYS GET OUT HERE NOW WE NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL" I scream loudly my team comes out from my house and runs over to me "Loges what's wrong?" Mike asked me once he realized that something was wrong "It's Jake he fell off his horse and won't wake up we need to get to the hospital now" I rushed out of my mouth still with Jake in my arms Mike and the rest of my team head over to the sprinter van and mike drives all of us quickly rushing to the hospital. I lay Jake on my lap tuning my fingers through his soft hair "please baby wake up" I whisper to him and tears fall from my face into his face.
End of flashback
Logans POV
After waiting for what felt like a nightmare of a long time I see a doctor come out of a room and then he says "Excuse me anyone here for a Jake Paul?" A doctor asked I immediately stand up form my chair and jog to over to the doctor "yes I'm his older brother and legal guardian is he okay?" I asked the doctor about to panic myself because I'm so worried about Jake he's my baby I love him so much "he is awake now and you may go see him if you would like" he says walking down a hall to Jakes room as I follow him. Then we got there I see Jake watching something on tv I immediately went over to him and grabbed a chair to sit down next to him. "Hey baby how are you feeling" I ask him as I grab his hand. "I'm good my head hurts a little but can I ask you something?" He says I nod my head "yeah sure buddy" I say what he said next broke my heart "umm who are you" he asked confused I look at him with a worry look "umm jakey it's me Logan your brother" I say to him "Logan? Logan? Ummm sorry that name doesn't ring a bell for me am I supposed to know you? I'm Jakey I'm assuming right?" When he said I can't believe this! he doesn't remember me at all how could he forget me? His own brother? "Yeah your Jakey that's right but you seriously don't remember me" i asked him softly trying not to have tears run down my face he shook his head softly "sorry but I really don't remember you ummm what's your name again?" He asked me with a blank stare at me. "I'm Logan your brother Jake" I repeated to him. I turn to the doctor who has the same shocked expression on his face "you may take him home today here's the paperwork and as for the memory loss that's common with him falling of a horse the best thing you can do is surround him with things that he knows very well shortly his memory will come back" the doctor explained I nodded my head softly but didn't say a word. Once I finished filing out the paperwork me and Jake walk out of the room and head over to my team where they look worried mike comes up to me "Logan what's up is Jake okay?" He asks me I didn't say a word just looked down at Jake then mike grabbed my chin and made me look at him "n-no mike he's not okay he lost his memories he doesn't remember me" I cry out as mike pulls me into a hug tightly as I cry into his shoulder "it's okay Logan he'll get his memory back don't worry" he whispered softly in my ear then I calmed down and pulled out of his hug. "Thanks mike lets go home and maybe he'll remember some things" I said as we head to my car and drive home.
Skipping to them home!
Jakes POV
When we got inside this huge house a strange dog that looks like cookies and cream ice cream runs up to me and scared me a little bit "AH! What is that?" I say screaming a little backing away from the strange thing "Jake it's broley blue my dog he's not gonna hurt you" my supposed brother says behind me "Do I like dogs?" I asked my supposed brother "yeah you love dogs" my brother says I then pet the dog softly and smile a little bit. Then I headed upstairs to me room where I look around seeing maybe there's gotta be something here to help me remember someone then my eyes locked with a picture on my desk I head over there to get a closer look at the picture of me and that blonde guy who says his my brother holding me on his shoulders with a huge smile on both of our faces I still can't remember anything about him even though he keeps insisting that he's my older brother whatever that means Then I feel someone behind me I turn around to see my supposed brother standing there. "Yeah that's me and you at Disney world one time you accidentally ate too much candy and got sick but we had so much fun anyways" he says I didn't say anything except nod my head. "So your my supposed brother right?" He nods softly "so where's our parents" I asked him then his face immediately softens oh no was I not suppose to ask that question oops "Umm our parents are in jail because they were hurting you and I had to adopt you"he explained "Oh sorry that I asked then"I say as I walk to my bed and lay down then he comes over too then lays down next to me. "Do You remember anything" he asked me I shook my head no "all I remember is the dog broley blue but that's it" I say to him. "Okay can you try and remember Jake?" I nod my head softly "I'll try but highly doubt that I'll remember anything" he just nods his head softly then gets up from my bed "You hungry dinner is ready?" He says I sit up too and get up "yeah sure Is it Mac and cheese my favorite?" I asked him Wait a minute how did I know that Mac and cheese is my favorite food? he smiled softly at me I guess my memory is slowly coming back but in bits and pieces That's a good thing I think. When we got to the kitchen I saw team Maverick sitting around the bar area wait a minute again how did I know that was team Maverick? I sat next to my supposed older brother we don't say anything except just eat our food. After we finished eating dinner my supposed brother said he was gonna take his dog out for a walk to let him use the bathroom real quick so he got up and opened the door to let broley out. Everyone else headed to the podcast room to watch Netflix omg I remembered something else the podcast room that's where team Maverick shoots the podcast. "Hey Jake you coming?" Mike asked me as he was standing in the doorway of the podcast room "Yeah I'm coming mike Im gonna stand outside with broley for a minute" I say wait I remembered mikes name and who is he too i guess he must've noticed and smiled at me then I headed to the door and went outside with broley. "Oh hey Jake" Logan says to me as I walk next to him I didn't say anything just nodded my head softly I just kept staring at him trying to figure out who is he then memories kept flashing at me bits and pieces of childhood memories with this stranger who supposedly my brother then I immediately remembered that his not a stranger to me he's my older brother Logan Paul aka logey! that's his nickname that I love to call him all the time. He must've noticed me staring at him "you okay Jakey" when he asked me that I immediately remember that nickname for me "jakey"i love when he calls me that I blankly stare at him with tears of joy coming out my eyes as I jump into his arms. "Logey! Logey! Logey!" I say excitedly as I lay my head on his chest which is my favorite spot. "Oh my god Jakey! You got your memory back oh god I'm so happy" he says excitedly right back hugging me tightly "Logey im so sorry that I forgot about you how could I have forgotten about you your my older brother I love you so much" I say with a little tear coming down my face. "Shh shh it's okay baby I'm just so happy that you're memory is back" he says softly I've missed him calling me his baby even though I'm not a baby or do I act like one anymore idc I've just missed him so much We don't let go of each other as we both head inside the house then go into the podcast and lay down on a bean bag chair with my head on his chest and his fingers running through my hair as we watch Netflix. "I love you logey" I whisper tiredly as I sit up and kiss logey on the cheek then put my head back on his chest "I love you too baby" he says softly then we both fall asleep.
OMG 😱 my story hit 200 reads! I'm glad that you guys love it don't worry after this one is completely done I'm gonna work on another Jake and Logan story maybe it'll be a one-shot type of story I don't know yet but thank you so much for enjoying the story!

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