{3} Who's At Fault

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Students scampered out of the way as a very angry Ravenclaw prefect stomped down the hallway, pink hair fluttering wildly around his face. Face turned into a scowl, Renjun's glasses bounced from the force of his steps. The robes that were normally so neatly dressed upon the usually compose male were awry. Throughout the very long-yet-so-short week for Winter break, the vine pattern on Renjun's back had grown.

His back burned with the growth, his family had become increasingly worried by the state the simple marking had put Renjun in. The vines slowly grew towards his waist, and lower back. It felt as if there was an actual plant growing within the boy's small frame. No one had the faintest idea as to what this phenomenon was.

"Lee Donghyuck I am going to skin you alive." Renjun bellowed down the hall, the male stood at the end turned eyes widening in fear from the look in the shorter boy's eyes.

Visibly swallowing, Donghyuck looked to Mark for help. The Gryffindor boy shook his head, he did not want to get between the two and their quarrels. Turning on his heel, Mark sped away from Donghyuck, he wasn't planning on being murdered by his best friend. Although Renjun was not that much smaller than the others, he still managed to instill fear in each boy. The temper of the boy was to not be trifled with.

Before the brunette could make a break for it, Renjun's hand clamped down around the tanned boy's wrist. Tugging him down the hall and into an empty classroom, the pinkette shoved him against a desk. Locking the door with a quick spell, Renjun began to shed his robes.

"You did this! Look at what you did, you overgrown toad!" Renjun snapped eyes piercing into Donghyuck's caramel ones.

Brain immediately going down the wrong road, Donghyuck covered his eyes when Renjun began unbuttoning his shirt. "Huh? Whoa whoa, why are you taking your shirt off?!"

Renjun scoffed, snatching his hands away from Donghyuck's eyes, "look at me." Voice sharp and demanding, Donghyuck did as he was told.

He was met with the view of Renjun's back, 'when did Renjun get a tattoo?' the boy wondered as his eyes traced the intricate vines that started to have buds and leaves sprouting from them. The brunette looked back up at the pinkette's eyes when the angered boy turned around.

"I'll have you know that I did not do whatever that tattoo is. I don't even know a spell that does that shit." Donghyuck hissed out, jabbing his finger into Renjun's chest.

Teeth gritted the shirtless male let out a sound akin to a growl, eyes aflame with rage. "You're helping me fix this." With that final statement, Renjun pulled on his shirt, furiously buttoning it.

Caramel eyes met deep coffee brown eyes, both holding a swirling light of intense emotions. Renjun chest began to sting, hand flying up to clench it. Burning holes into the brunette who watched without the slightest hint of worry.

"How can I help you when I don't even know what caused it, asshole." Grumbling with arms crossed over his chest in a protective manner, Donghyuck closed his eyes.

A warm hum spread behind his eyes, the male clenched his eyes closed tighter. The sound of a robe swirling out of the room followed with the thunk of heavy wood closing reached his ears.

Owlishly blinking at the empty space before him, the brunette sat down on the desk he was pushed against. His thoughts racing with confusion and wonder. The Huang Renjun wanted his help to fix something he didn't do, his sworn enemy wanted his help. Scoffing at the idea Donghyuck pushed the nagging feeling away. His eyes glittered from the firelight that glowed off the walls from the torches lining the walls. Small gold and emerald strands swirled withing the caramel iris', a new wave of determination crashing against the boy.

Something had been kick started inside the boy's heart, beautiful and new.


"What do you mean you don't know?" Renjun gaped at the professor before him, eyes blinking in disbelief. "You're the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for Merlin's sake!"

Soft golden locks of hair fluttered around the taller male, head shaking softly. The professor hung his head, sorrow building in his chest at the sound of Renjun's voice breaking towards the end. Even the professor was dumbfounded to learn of something magically appearing on one of his students back. The fact said magical thing was growing worried him.

Chewing on his bottom lip, the brown eyed professor looked up. "I'm sorry Renjun, I really am. I'll do my best to help figure this out. Is it alright if I see it?"

Renjun only closed his eyes, bunching his shirt up and pulling it over his head. At this point he had given up with the buttons. Turning his back to the taller male, he heard a small gasp come from the professor. "It keeps grown bigger, and when it does it hurts like hell. I don't know why it starts to grow."

Taeil, the professor scanned his back, brows knit together in concentration. He gave a shake of his head, "I never seen anything like that before in my life." Pausing he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'll see what I can find to help get rid of whatever that is."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Renjun gave Taeil a grateful look. The pinkette scratched at his back, seeing if that would relieve the dull ache along his skin. Giving one last forced smile the younger boy left the room, gently closing the door. He had to figure out how to get rid of this thing. If only Donghyuck would confess the truth, he could never believe the little snipe.


No clue where this is gonna go but I'm sure it'll be fun. Hopefully.

Have a good week my Lovelies!

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