{13} My Blossoming Mum

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Ten peered out of the Herbology building, his eyes glittered seeing the two boys finally giggling over each other. Heart light and bubbly he slipped out the door, feet carrying him towards the Slytherin and Ravenclaw now sitting upright on the granite path.

"So, both of you finally seemed to figure it out hmm?" Voice lilting with elation he gestured towards the chrysanthemums now matching on both boys.

Unfortunately for the two boys they were unlucky with how fate decided to place the final flowers on their bodies. Matching chrysanthemum's fluttered between the shades of red and orange, a sunset of affection and unbridled love. Imprinted on their skin forever were the flowers, one on the left side of Donghyuck's neck just below the jaw, while one resting right atop Renjun's adams apple.

Confusion was evident on their faces, dust covered the back of Renjun's robes as the former male helped him to his feet. "What do you mean?" Voicing the question both held within their mind, the older male tilted his head trying his best to ignore the comfort the weight of Donghyuck's hand in his.

The wind picked up, sending dust devils of finely crushed granite power swirling into the air. Sun shone happily at finally seeing  the boys together, each beam refractured against the sun-kissed boy like he was apart of the beautiful light that coated the Earth.

"Y'know for a Ravenclaw, you're not as smart you seem." Ten glowered, before he stepped forward thumping the pinkette on the forehead like a mother would while scolding their child. "Nature decided to take your situation into their leaves because you idiots hated each other for some dumb reason. Honestly, you two needed all the help you could get.

Even then you decided that running away from Donghyuck was the smartest idea." Pointing an accusatory finger at the Chinese male Ten shook his head in disappointment. "I love you both so much but, god you two are a nightmare to watch skirt around each other like one of you has the plague."

Renjun held a hand to his chest, mouth gaping open while Ten ranted his head off, his cat eyes narrowed towards them. The younger flinched behind Renjun fear coating his body when the Thai male approached them with a stern finger pointed at them. A deep voice caused the man to halt, "Chittaphon! Leave the boy's alone, you took forever to realize too, give them a break."

A matching pair of brown eyes shifted to a tall bulky man that sauntered towards the much smaller and lithe Herbology teacher.

Recognition and remembrance glittered like freshly melted gold in Donghyuck's eyes, "you're his husband right? You're an auror?" Peering over the shorter male's shoulder he grinned happily like a child who was given candy.

A laugh with a homey and warm tone weaved its way through the air, curling his gentle arms around the boys inviting them closer. "Yes, I am his husband Johnny and yes, I am an auror for the Ministry of Magic." The fatherly figure appeased the frightening and jagged aura his significant other gave off with gentle strokes of his large palms against his spine. They watched as the Thai male leaned into the touch like a content cat that completely disregarded the watching students.

"Thank you, he gets kinda scary when he lectures us." Donghyuck whispered, breath grazing the shell of Renjun's ear causing the latter to shiver from the strangle sensation.

Nodding in understanding the larger male wrapped his arms around Ten's waist. "Yes, he does seem to have that problem."

After all this time to think, Renjun's brain finally registered something Ten had said. "Wait, how would you know that nature decided to interfere with us?" His voice was barely working but the sensation of Donghyuck lacing their fingers together grounded him, vines twirled and jumped between the contact of skin each vine a happy prancing animal.

"I thought Ten told you, but it seems he didn't." Johnny grinned before he reached down and pulled up his right sleeve showing a hibiscus flower with a gold and bronze thread tied around it. "He has a matching one on his hip bone. We also had nature interfere with us, our story wasn't that different from yours. When we both first came here we thought of each other as our mortal enemy when in reality it was just a big misunderstanding of love."

Another deep-bellied laugh escaped Johnny's mouth when he saw the matching open mouthed expressions on the two boy's faces. "You'll figure it out, just give it time."


"Yah! Huang Renjun come give me a smooch you beautiful Chrysanthemum boy!" Tinkling screeches of familiarity bristled the hair on the back of the pinkette's neck.

He didn't bother turning when he heard the silky smooth shouts of his favorite Slytherin. The boy could only let out a cute laugh when he felt warm strong arms curl around his waist. Donghyuck rested his chin on his waist, giggles tinkled in his ear, warm breath ghosting past the edge of his ear. A small smile broke out across his face when the younger male nuzzled against his neck. "Hello Haechan, have you been irritating the others?"

Another laugh erupted from Donghyuck who started swaying the two of them, time seemed to slow, the sun gazed down on them a witness to the calm moment between the two. "No~ I came to visit you because I missed you Moonlight." The cooed nickname caused a pink to streak across the rise of his cheekbones and bridge of his nose.

Pulling away from the comforting heat, the other turned to Donghyuck with a sheepish expression adorned on his features. His eyes trailed to the matching chrysanthemum adorning the honey skin on the brunette's left side of his neck. Unconsciously the pinkette raised his hand to caress the soft skin, smiling softly. "It's so pretty."

Love swirled along in the breeze like the pollen of flowers wafting through spring air. Donghyuck and Renjun watched each other with gentle eyes full of affection and understanding.

A simple misunderstanding threatened Renjun's life, nature decided that 'why not mess with the two oblivious boy's lives.' Even after the shared kiss on the granite path, neither of them had the courage to ask the other out. It's been a couple days since then, both taking the time to think things over.

"Lee Donghyuck, will you do me the honor and be my significant other?" Renjun murmured as he stepped closer, allowing the boy enough time to register the question and pull away if he wanted.

However, the latter did no such thing, in fact he stepped closer with a happy and content giggle as he pressed his lips against Renjun's. "You have no idea how much I would love that my pretty mum."

From winter to spring, from hate to love. The knot had been tied by the simple question that held a thousand meanings. An emerald green and glittering gold string tied themselves around the two chrysanthemums.

Standing beneath the setting sun and awakening moon the two boys shared small laughter as their lips brushed in the sincerest meaning. Their murmurs of playful hate and meaningful love taken and carried along the spiraling wind; nature was happy to see two of their creations loving each other as they should even if they had to step in.

The final chapter has been dropped. I really hope you enjoyed this!

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