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Should I include an honourable mentions to the ships I missed? Idk. Anyways, this is - maybe - the end of the book! But before I rap it up I'd like to say a few things and mention a few people.

1K reads!!! Thanks 😊 

@1leone1 for being the first person to comment.

@Mai_Official for being the first person to vote and continuously voting throughout the 'story' and commenting. Go follow Mai!

@KittyMusical200 for voting throughout the story as well (Thanks).

@hermione_smarts and @Chmedori thanks you for voting!

@Daskaengeru about Kainora I would give it 5/10 simply because I didn't like Ginora as a character I find her boring and plain and OP.

Thanks to all who read and commented.


Another Wattpad User

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