Killing Moon

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Jessica makes her way back to Winston's. She parks her car in front of the house. There is not many cars left. She looks at the time on her phone 3:21 and notices all the missed-calls she has from Diego. He didn't text her. She'll deal with this later. She has to look for Clay now. 

The music is still playing inside but outside a few people passed out here and there, everyone seems to have left. She goes from room to room, hoping to find Clay. She should have come here before going to see Amber but she didn't realize it was this late. She doesn't find Clay. She walks down the stairs after having searched the first and second floor without luck. She walks towards the garden, the last place she hasn't looked at. No sign of Clay. She takes out her phone and texts him.

Jessica : Did you make it home in one piece?

She knows she probably won't get an answer.

She goes back inside and walks across the entrance and to the front door.

Once she's outside, she's surprised to see Diego standing in front of her car. She was right, he definitely is pissed.

"I'm so sorry. I forgot to text you." She apologizes as she makes her way to him.

"I have to say I'm not surprised. How was it?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're still sleeping with him right? I saw you leave with Foley."

"I'm not. He was just..." She tries to explain but Diego cuts her off

"Stop lying to me!"

"I'm not. I..."

"You've been using me all this time." He cuts her off again.

Jessica doesn't know how to answer this.

"You're a real slut. Do you think you could just manipulate me like that?"

Jessica starts to be afraid. He's extremely angry and the saddest part is he is right. 

She walks towards the door to the driver's seat but Diego grabs her arm.

"You're such a fucking tease!"

He slams her against the car.

"You played me and I think I deserve what you promised."

He starts to kiss her but she fights back and pushes him off of her, enough to have time to reach the handle of the door with her hand. Unfortunately, he is way stronger than she is and he slams her against the car once more, this time her back is against him.

"Please, Diego." She tries with every strength she has to push him away but it makes him angrier.

"Shut the fuck up." He shoves her head against the car and she feels blood coming out of her lips. He holds her against the car and tears her dress. He slides one of his hand underneath it and tries to take off her underwear when the sounds of glass breaking makes the two of them jump.

"Get the fuck away from her!"

Jessica lets out a sob when she sees Zach standing there with a broken beer bottle, ready to attack Diego.

For a few seconds, Diego is like paralyzed and he doesn't react. Zach throws the bottle to the ground and punches Diego in the face. 

Jessica turns around but stays glued against her car, unable to move. 

Diego gets up from the ground, ready to punch Zach in return when a police car arrives so Diego refrains himself from attacking Zach.

Deputy Standall exists the car and walks straight to Diego.

"Against the car!" He orders him.

Jessica takes a few steps away from her car when Diego is shoved against it in return by Bill who places handcuffs on him.

"Thank you." She lets out in a breath to Zach.

"I saw you two arguing. I ... I didn't know if I should do something so I called Bill but ... I had do do something." Zach responds, pretty shaken up as well.

"Jessica, do you want me to drive you to the hospital?" Bill asks her and she puts her hand to her lips to asses the damage.

"No... It's okay... I'm... I'm okay.

She still has trouble breathing.

"What are you going to do with him?" Zach asks him, pointing at Diego seating at the back of the police car.

"I'm taking him to the station. The rest depends on what you want to do about this Jessica." He looks at her.

"I... I don't wanna press charges." She knows well how all of this works by now.

"Jess." Zach is sadden she doesn't want him to pay for what he did.

"No. I... I don't want to."

"Okay. Do you want me to call your parents or anyone?" Bill asks her.

"No. I'll be alright... Thank you."

"Do you need me to come to the station for a deposition or...?" Zach asks Bill.

Mr. Standall looks at Jessica before answering Zach's question.

"If Jessica doesn't wanna press charges, there's no need son."

Zach looks at the both of them, surprise by the way things turned out.

"You're going to lock him up so, right?"

"We are going to keep him in detention for the night, but he'll be free to go tomorrow."

"What if I press charges? Can I do that?" He refuses to let him go unpunished.

"Zach." Jessica tries to calm him down.

"I suggest you two go home now. Are you okay to drive Jessica?"

"I am yes."

"Be safe." The deputy tells them before reaching his car.

"Bill." Jessica calls him. He turns around.

"Please don't tell Alex about this."

He nods and enters his car before driving away.

The music coming from inside the house is barely audible and the silence around them is heavy. They are still in shock. Everything happened so quickly and ended even faster.

"I'll... I'll drive you home." Jessica's voice brings Zach back to reality.

He makes his way to the passenger's side and sits inside the car.

"I can't actually go home. My mom is going to kill me if I arrive this drunk and this late."

"You.. you don't seem drunk."

"Some things have a way to sober you up quicker than you ever thought possible but... I'm still pretty drunk... even if I don't really feel it now."

"You can crash at my place. It would be nice not to be alone for once... especially after this."

"Yeah, of course." Zach responds with a sympathetic smile.

Jessica drives off.  

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