The Good Side

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Justin and Jessica are lying naked in her bed after they slept together for the first time since last November. The only sounds in the room are the music coming from the party downstairs and their heavy breaths slowly calming down. They are both silent for a few minutes.

"Do you think waiting this long made it this good or we're just really good at this?" Jessica ask, breaking the silence.

Justin chuckles.

"Now I wonder why we waited." He says, looking at her.

Jessica lies on her side and gets closer to him, interlacing her legs between his and placing her hand on his chest.

"That's another party I'll for sure never forget." She tells him with a smile.

"I know it doesn't fix anything, but I still feel... relived... like this is our way to make things better this time. Different." Justin responds.

"This night ended like it should have the last time." Jessica agrees.

"Is it stupid to think it changed anything?"

"This doesn't change the past, but I think it proves we did. We changed. We're not the same people we were that night."

Justin nods, thinking about it.

"We didn't change completely though." Justin tells her.

"I haven't. You changed a lot."

"One thing didn't change." Justin says, lying on his side to face her.

He gets even closer, until he's close enough to whisper in her ear.

"I love you Jess."

Jessica chuckles and caresses his cheek.

"If tonight's about doing things differently from the past, I should tell you... I love you too Justin."

"Music to my ears." He responds with a smile before kissing her.

"I only waited a few years for this." He teases her as he lies on his back, bringing her into his arms.

"One day you'll get sick of hearing those words coming from me." She responds jokingly.

"Never." He says, assured.

"In that case..." Jessica begins, siting up.

"I'll never stop." She continues, sitting on top of him.

She bends over to whisper into his ear.

"I love you."

She caresses his cheek and looks him in the eyes.

"I love you."

She places a sweet kiss on his forehead.

"I love you."

She keeps placing kisses on his face; his cheek, his nose, his jaw... while whispering the words over and over.

"I love you... I love you... I love you..."

She begins leaving a trail of kisses down his neck...

"I love you..."

She gently caresses his chest, placing a kiss on top of his heart, realizing how fast and strongly it is beating.

"Maybe I should stop. I don't want your heart to explode." She whispers against his skin.

Justin extends his hand to cup her face and force her to look at him.

"Never stop to make me feel this loved..."

He sits up carefully, tightening his hold on Jessica.

"... this complete." He adds, caressing her breast, locking his eyes with hers.

Jessica feels it too; this connection, this intense sense of belonging, of being complete, whole. Two broken souls forming this one entity, this love, this moment.

Justin breaks first and starts kissing her with all his soul, all his heart, everything he has to give.

Jessica readjusts her position to allow him inside her; to give him permission, access, to give herself completely to him.

Nothing can break this moment or take them back to reality. The worlds stop spinning, the music stops playing. All they see is each other, all they feel is each other and all they hear are each other's breaths and moans.

They are both here, now, in this moment and they are alive, complete.

One day they'll forget about their trauma, how much it hurt, but they'll never forget the love they are feeling for each other. 

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