ch 16; the plan

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The next day, Sidon is supposed to get his trident from Cédric.
And he got a great idéa since Link needed his clothes to get washed.
Sidon told Siri to take care of Link's clothes and then the next day after lunch, which is today, she should bring the clothes to their bedroom.
Meanwhile, Sidon will talk with Cédric at the forge and somehow persuade him to come over to his bedroom.
Sidon clears his throat nervously and enter the shop.
"Cédric?..." he asks and is looking around in the shop.
Glaring at the spears. Remembering that Link told him yesterday.
On one of these, Link had harmed himself.
"Wait a minute, I'm soon finished..." Cédric shouts from the forge while Sidon sighs and shakes his head of the thought of his careless husband.
  The sight of green-brownish spot on the floor catches his attention and he walks against the place and starts leaning towards the spot to examining it.
Isn't that the same colour of the spot Link had on his tunic?
What really happened?
"Prince Sidon... I just finished your trident" Cédric tells him while he walks out from the forge with the silver trident in his arms.
Sidon stands upright and clears his throat.
"Excellent..." he comments and is looking a little shyly against Cédric.
He isn't used to matching people.
Cédric gives him a confused look.
"Something wrong? Isn't the trident as you were hoping?" Cédric asks and tilts his head so, his red feather earring tickles his shoulder.
Sidon gasps jolting.
"No no... I have nothing to complain... it looks amazing...let me..." he begs and reaches out his arm against Cédric to get the trident.
Cédric let's out his breath and seems relaxing. He hands over the trident to the taller Zora.
Sidon starts eyeing the weapon and starts twisting it to get a good feeling of it.
"It has a good weight..." Sidon comments.
Cédric nods.
"And... I love those red stones... they really fit the silver trident"
Cédric exhales relieved.
"I'm glad you seems like it... do you have something you want to change?"
Sidon starts caressing his chin while he is humming thoughtfully.
"There is one thing..."
Cédric tilts his head curiously and looks a little disappointed.
"What my prince?"
Sidon shrugs.
"It will probably sound stupid..."
Cédric shakes his head.
"No no... nothing will sound stupid if you say it..."
Cédric swallow nervously.
"So... what do you want to change?"
Sidon grins a little sheepishly.
"I was thinking about tieing a blue cloth on the trident..." he starts explaining.
Cédric wides his eyes, looking shocked of Prince Sidon's request.
"Ehm..." Cédric clears his throat and make Sidon to stop talking.
Cédric starts scratching his cheekbone ashamed with his index finger.
"I'm sorry my prince... but ehm... I do not have any cloth to tie around your trident... I'm sorry..."
Sidon snickers and press his lips together to silence himself.
"Oh... it's no problem..." he starts saying and make Cédric to tilt his head.
Sidon shrugs.
"You can walk with me to my room and help me there instead... I'm pretty sure I have some kind of cloth who will work..."
"Oh.." Cédric exhales and look like he thinks Sidon is pathetic as someone who can't tie their shoelaces on their own. And as he wanted to tell the Prince that, tieing a cloth around the weapon doesn't need the help of a blacksmith.
But Cédric doesn't let out his thought. Instead he smiles against him and nods.
Then they starts walking against Prince Sidon's bedroom.

Meanwhile Sidon is picking up his trident, Link is welcoming Siri into their bedroom.
Siri acts as she wants to hand over the pile of his new washed clothes directly at the door.
But Link tries acting innocent and a bit airhead, and walks into the room.
"Great you could come over with my clothes ..." he starts saying happily and does his best to push away his nervousness.
Siri sighs and walks into the bedroom, looking bothered to be in the room there her big crush lives.
"No problem my princess... how did you ended up with the weird spot?" She asks and walks unsure against the bed and places down the clothes onto the bed.
Link laughs weirdly and waves away the question with his hand.
"Oh that one? It's a long and a silly story behind that one... I don't want to bother you with that..."
Siri nods and takes a few steps against the pool and glances against the fries with small legs.
"You won't bother me..." Siri says and clear her throat and clasps her hands together.
Link raises a brow and is looking asking at her.
"Do you need anything else? Or I can continue with my duties?"
Link gasps.
"Y-yeah..." he tries his best to think about something to ask her, but nothing appears in his head.
Siri tilts her head.
Link presses his lips thoughtfully together.
"Want to keep me company?" He asks.
Siri smiles gently against him and untie her hands.
"I'm sorry my princess... I have things to do..." She tells him and starts walking out from the bedroom.
Link jolts and reaches out his arm against her direction.
"Wait siri..."
Siri sighs silently before she turns around with a stiff smile.
"I have to make the food for the fries..." She explains before Link gets the chance to say anything.
"Oh..." Link glances against the pool there his adopted children swims around.
He would be a bad parent if something else comes between his children and their needs.
Link nods thoughtfully.
"Okay... what about..." he starts saying which make Siri to tilt her head.
Link Inhales.
"What about... I help you with the food.. then we both walks together and feed the fries? I get my company and you can do your duties" Link exhales smiling.
Siri  glances against the pool, looking tempted to do that Link suggested.
But she isn't tempted to take the risk of bumping into Sidon in his bedroom.
After some thoughts, she nods.
"Okay... that's a deal my princess"
Link grins and grabs his dark blue long dress's skirt, with sparkles on it, then he starts walking after Siri.
Siri is eyeing Link's dress and giggles.
"What?" Link asks.
She shakes her head.
"'s just... it's kind of hilarious that.. you are planning to help me with my duty, dressed in that pretty dress"
"Oh..." Link's eyes fall down onto his dress there he has a thin black belt around his waist.
The only problem with the dress is; It is revealing he is flat-chested.
But he couldn't care less. There is cis-women who is flat-chested too.
Why would Zoras get suspicious of that detail?
Beside, there are not many Zoras who knows anything about hylians.
Link grins.
" I didn't have girl friends when I grew up... so, I'm not very girly" he lies and feels ashamed of not being a better actor and not revealing himself.
Siri gasps and waves her both hands.
"No no... I didn't meant that... you are girly... perhaps a little weird.. but you are definitely a girl"
Link raises his both eyebrows and doesn't know if his should get insulted of the fact that, he is girly. Or he should be grateful that, Siri isn't suspecting anything.
Instead of pouting he smiles.
"Thank siri"
Siri shrugs and they leaves the room and starts walking against the kitchen.
"And not only are cute too" She adds and put a hand on Link's shoulder.
Link smiles heartwarming against here.
" I am?"
She nods and takes away her hand.
"Yes you are, princess... that dress really suit you... you should start wearing those dress more often"
Link starts blushing. Not used of getting compliments.
"Okay... I will try using them more regularly"

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