ch 20; the nightmare

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Link was humming on a song while he was walking up from the pool naked.
  Feeling on good mood.
  Only the silver chain with a small piece of a diamond was still on.
He wasn't sure why, but he feels extremely happy today.
He runs his fingers through his wet hair while he is humming on the song.
He notices in his backhead how someone makes noises behind him by the door.
Suddenly the person inhales gasping and freezes.
Link snickers.
"Sidon! Don't stand there as a perv and staring at me..." he comments snickering and starts turning around.
"Join me instead" he adds and places a hand on his hip and tries looking tempting by leaning his upper body a slightly forward and wink with his left eye.
"Impostor!" The Zora priest says through his gritted teeth.
Link wides his eyes surprised.
He stands upright and inhales sharply.
The red and white Zora makes a disgusted face of the sight of naked Link.
"I knew something was off with you... This is why I hate you Hylians..." Kapson clench his fists and starts shaking of anger.
"Even though I hate hylians I know enough about you... you aren't a female! Which means you aren't Zelda either...who are you!? You monster!"
  Link feels how a cold shiver runs down through his spine.
The bedroom starts spinning around in his mind.
Is this real?
It feels more like a nightmare than the reality.
Link gulps.
He wishes Zelda or Sidon were there with him now.
"I...." Link finds it difficult to find the corrects words.
Who is he actually?
If someone had asked him that question some weeks ago, the answer wouldn't been that difficult to say. But now?
Who is he? The Great swordsman who always stood by Zelda's side?
Or, is he the cute housewife who takes care of his husband and their children?
Or the impostor Kapson said he was?!
  Link clears his throat nervously and places his palm against his chest there the necklaces touches his fingertips.
"I'm Link... one of the champions"
Kapson wides his eyes surprised and is examining Link for a bit before he grunts.
"So... You are the one to be blame for princess Mipha's death!"
Link jolts and inhales sharply.
Kapson is looking backward against the door.
"GUARDS! Arrest this monster and throw him into the dungeons"
"Uh?" The three Zora babies are looking worried at Link from the pool.
The door throws up.
Link is looking begging at the priest.
"Wait?! are making a mistake..."
Kapson snorts.
"How could you lie to our Prince... And not only that... You have'd defiled us Zoras and the children"
The two guards exhales shocked when they see Link.
Link shakes his head.
Kapson is looking at the guards.
"Get him... he is an impostor who pretend he was princess Zelda which he isn't"
Then guards nods and walks quickly against Link.
Link furrows his eyebrows.
"I have never lied to Sidon... You are making a mistake..." he tells Kapson and keeps repeating this is a mistake.
"Shut up..." Kapson barks.
The guards grabs Link's arms.
Kapson nods against them.
"Take him away..."
"Yes sir" the guards say and starts pulling Link away.
Link shakes his head.
"You can't do this... I have to take care of the children" he says and is looking backwards against the children who starts sobbing of seeing their Mama getting taken away.
The three children are calling on him while they are crying and tries crawling against him.
"THEY NEED ME!" Link shouts and starts struggling a little.
But the guards tighter their grips around his arms and pull him out from the bedroom.
         Link is too upset to even bother to get ashamed of passing naked in front everyone.
The Zoras they are passing by are whispering to each other when they see Link.
"My princess!" Siri gasps shocked and runs against him.
Link is looking gratefully at her.
The guards snorts.
"Stay away... this isn't the real princess... it's just an impostor who tried to trick us... But his days are now over... This man is going to rot in the dungeons"
Siri jolts and freezes.
"A man?!..." She drops her jaw.
Link furrows his eyebrows and gets bad conscience to have'd lied to Siri.
"I'm sorry Siri... but please! Take care of my children and let Sidon know that, I love hi-...ouch "
"SHUT UP!" One of the guards shouts and pull his arm a little too hard.
  Siri gulps.
"I will!" She answers and turns around and run away into another direction.
   "I knew something was wrong with that hylian!"
" He should be ashamed of himself"
"Disgusting worm...he is more awful than a Lizalfos"
The harsh words from the Zoras around him are falling heavily on him.
Link's upset eyes are staring sadly down onto the floor while they are walking.
If this is a nightmare would he love to wake up soon. Like now.
  What will happen to him?
Will he rotten in the dungeons? Or getting hanged for his crimes?
Link starts tearing up.
Perhaps this was the last time he has seen the children and Sidon.
Link's heart starts cramping.
It was long time ago he had seen Zelda.
Maybe he will never see her again?!
How could he been this stupid?!
"I'm sorry Zelda..." he mumbles.
"Hm?" The guards are looking asking at him.
Angry tears are falling down on his pale face.
If the fated war will come as prophesied the blood will be on his shoulders.
Everything is his fault.
       The guards throws him into the jail.
Link trips and falls down onto the side with a loudly grunt.
One guard snorts while the other locks the door to the jail there they putted Link.
Link starts freezing.
He crawls against the lump of hay by the inner corner of the cold jail.
For the first time in his life he feels as an animal.
An animal who isn't wanted and seen as trash.
  Link curls into a ball and holds the diamond from the necklace.
"Sidon..." he whispers and closes his eyes hardly and keeps crying.
          "Link..." a voice who sounds coming from far away reaches his ears and wake him up.
"Hm?" Link sits up and rub his red eyes from crying, with his hand.
At first the view was blurry and he only notices red-white colour in the darkness.
But then the view clears and he sees Sidon.
"Sidon!" He shouts and stands up from the hay.
Sidon is looking sadly at him.
"Oh Link... I deeply apologies how they have treated you..." Sidon says and holds the pile of clothes he had taken with him, harder.
Link walks over to Sidon and grabs the metallic pipes they have between them.
"Can't you talk to the guards and make them to release me since you are their Prince?!" Link asks and furrows his eyebrows.
Sidon shakes his head.
"Sadly I can't..."
"Why not?"
Sidon sighs.
" I must beg my father to let you go...But... he is really angry now... Not only on you, he is mad at me too"
Link swallows sharply.
"That's awful..."
Sidon nods.
"Yes...So... I can't talk him into to let you go... I'm sorry my love"
Link inhales deeply and make a sobbing noise.
"I...I understand" he says and looks away.
Sidon reaches in one arm between two pipes and places his hand on Link's backhead before he starts kissing him.
Link is blinking confused for a short moment.
But then he returns the kiss hungrily and run his arms around Sidon's neck.
A guard clears his throat.
" The visiting time is over..."
Sidon breaks the kiss.
"I will see you soon... Here..." he says and gives Link his clothes he uses to wear.
Link takes the clothes and is looking sadly and lonely at Sidon.
"Thanks... come back soon"
"I will!" Sidon promises and gives him a thumb up before the guard clears his throat again.
"You must go now..."
" Okay..."
    Link is looking down on the clothes he got from Sidon.
It's the female version of his old tunic.
He holds the clothes closed to his chest and embrace them with gratitude.
At least he won't be naked in this awful situation...


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