ch 21; Better run than stay

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Sidon rushes furious into the throne room there the king sits on his throne.
There are many guards around in the room along the walls, making sure their king is safe.
"FATHER!" Sidon shouts shortly after he had walked into the room.
"Hm?" The king sits upright and is looking both asking and doubtfully at his son.
Sidon walks closer against his much taller father.
"Let the hylian go"
The king snorts.
"Why? The hylian tricked you into marrige"
Sidon shakes his head upset and stops his track.
"No, he didn't... Before the last step in the ceremony he told me who he was... He did that since he was in loved in me and wanted to be honest"
The king is looking uptight and is staring annoyed at Sidon.
"But before that, he made you think you liked someone else" The king says coldy.
The blue guards around them with spears in their hands are looking asking at each other and at their king and prince. Not knowing what to do.
They actually thought Sidon was tricked by Link. But now... Did Kapson made too hasty desicion?
But since Dorephan is their king they must follow his lead. Sidon has nothing to say in this.
Sidon sighs and shakes his head.
"I knew he was Link from the beginning..."
"But, why did you-..." the king interups.
"You know I'm gay" Sidon shrugs and make the king to grit his teeth angrily.
Sidon clears his throat.
"I would never marry a fem-..."
"SILENCE" The king shouts upset and make the guards to jolt.
Sidon wides his eyes shocked and his heart starts beating painfully.
Why can't his father love him for the one he is?
The king slam his fist on the armrest and startle Sidon who inhales sharply.
"Why are you always disgracing me?! I have always been proud of my daughter Mipha... But you...Somehow you always manages to make me disappointed"
Sidon lower his head a little and inhales with a noise as he was sobbing a bit.
He swallows hardly and is looking hurted at his father who seems as he just won the fight between them.
"Let Link out from the dungeons..."Sidon begs again with a lower voice.
"Hm?" the king tilts his head confused.
" What did you said?"
Sidon clears his throat and clenches his fists.
"Let my husband out from the dungeons, father" Sidon begs with a louder voice and exhales when he said it and smiles a bit nervous.
The guards inhales sharply and everyone seems holding their breath.
The king grits his teeth.
"GET OUT OF HERE" the king shouts and point with his arm against the exist.
Sidon nods.
"I will after you promise me you will let Link out from the jail"
The king grunts.
"GUARDS...Take out the intruder from the throne room... I don't want to see him anymore"
Sidon grimaces hurted and can't believe his father.
How should he take this? Won't his father ever see him as his son again?
  Two guards are walking unsure against Sidon since they don't know what to do. But since Sidon is only their prince, and the king want him removed, they reach out their arms to grab Sidon.
"We are sorry, prince-..."
Sidon shakes his head and walk backward, away from their arms.
"I will remove myself..." he tells them before he turns around and start leaving the room with his fathers angry staring at his back.
        Sidon is walking speedily against his bedroom.
"I must get Link out from the dungeons with or without my fathers help..."he mumbles while he is walking.
The two guards outside his bedroom gives him worried looks.
" Welcome back pri-..."
"You have done more than enough..."he snorts and make the two to look ashamed away.
Sidon walks into the bedroom there two of the children are asleep with tears in their eyes while the third are sobbing silently into Siri's arms.
  Sidon jolts when he sees Siri sitting onto the armchair with the babygirl Mipha in her arms and tries rocking her into sleep.
"My" she starts asking and sits upright.
Sidon blinks confused for a short moment, but then, he smiles and walks against her.
"Siri! I have something to ask you...." he tells her and sit down on the other armchair.
She tilts her head.
"What my prince?"

  He is at least fully dressed.
But he is still freezing and is looking bothered out from the opened hole with bars to keep him away from escaping through the window.
It's already dark outside.
And the chilly wind is entering the dark and damp room.
Snaking around Link who sits on the hay.
Link starts shaking a bit and pulls his legs closer to his body and wrap his arms around his knees.
"Where are you..." he mumbles and exhales warm breath who comes out as smoke in the cold room.
     The night is creeping slowly on and feels as an eternity.
At last his eyelids are falling heavily down.
Link starts nodding off and jolts each time his head falls heavily against the side or forward.
He furrows his eyebrows and tries keep his eyes open.
  The light of the flame from the temping torches on the wall outside the cage in the small hallway, are dancing around rhytmcally of the wind.
Link shivers and starts shaking.
He is almost never sick, but it starts feeling as he is about to get sick. Getting a cold or something.
He is pretty pale and and has a blush on his cheeks who isn't looking very healthy.
If the Zoras isn't planning to give him death sentence, he will probably end up dead anyway.
At least it feels as that.
    He hears footsteps coming closer.
A guard shoots glances into the cage and seems lost for awhile.
As he isn't sure what he should do.
The guard clears his throat and keeps walking down along the hallway.
  Suddenly someone else clears its throat and make Link to jolt.
He raises an eyebrow and turns his face against the direction there he heard the sound.
"Siri?" He blinks confused when he sees the blue female Zora with the purple eyes.
She smiles shyly and nods.
Link stands up on shaky legs and walks closer to her.
He puts his hands on the bars and leans his head between two pipes.
"What are you doing here?" He asks with a lower voice.
"To help you..." She whispers with a shrug.
"You will?"
She nods.
"Of course..." She says and is examining Link curiously.
"Why didn't you told me earlier?" She asks.
Link tilts his head a slightly since the bars stops him from tilting his head anymore.
"About what?"
"That you aren't a girl..." She clears her throat nervously.
Link's heart makes some extra beats.
"I'm sorry... I wanted to tell...But I couldn't... sorry..." he apologies and furrows his eyebrows.
Siri chuckles with a low voice.
"It's fine... More than fine... I'm actually glad that Sidon didn't said no to me and end up with a female anyway..." She starts explaining and wet her lips with her tongue.
Link's heart starts beating longing for Sidon when he heard his name.
"Thanks..." he says and gets Siri to stop talking.
She starts nodding thoughtfully.
"Sidon and the children are already on their way to hyrule castle... You must dash away on your horse immediately and help them in their road"
Link drops his jaw.
"Eh...what? They are?" He asks both happy they are on their way to hyrule castle and want to run away with him. But also worried.
What if some monster are attacking his beloved family before he manages to reunion with them?
Siri nods.
Link clears his throat.
"But... I need my weapons..."
Siri grins.
"No problem... Cédric is waiting by your horse with your things"
Link nods and starts feeling optimistic of the escape plan.
"Okay...Then there is only one problem..." he says.
Siri starts waving a silver key in front his eyes.
"Something else?"
Link snickers, surprised that, she understood what he meant.
"No...That's it"
"Great" She says and gives him the key in his palm.
"Good luck"
He nods and hold the key tighter. Feeling how the cold from the key spreads in his palm.
"Thanks..." his eyes are following her while she is walking away.
When her shadow is gone, he unlocks the cage and starts sneaking away.
    Link tries walking away in hurry, but also in silence.
His heart is beating loudly in his ears.
He has never been fond of sneaking around in the shadows.
It feels too nervous.
If he just had his sword and shield he would rather run away and attack his enemies.
However, he wouldn't be able to do that today. Since he doesn't want to attack Sidon's people.
He would feel bad to impale someone  who is looking likes Sidon, Cédric or Siri with his sword.
The sight of a bleeding Zora  would probably follow him forever in his nightmares.
Which gives him no opportunity.
  He wouldn't be able to attack even though he had his weapons.
Link wides his eyes and stiffen.
Someone are walking against him from straight ahead.
He starts looking asking around him.
The hallway isn't wide.
Left to him is just a brick wall with some torches in row and small windows.
Behind him is just the dead end and probably a staff room somewhere far away.
To his right are the cages to the prisoners.
  Link inhales sharply when he sees two shadows appearing on the wall in the light from the torches flames.
  The two voices from male Zoras gets louder.
In panic Link walks to the cage to his right side and tries opening the door.
Lucky him it's unlocked and he gets into the cage.
He closes the door and is looking around in the cage.
There are hay on the ground but that's it, not even a window.
  The two guards are passing by.
Looking asking at Link who is breathing heavily from the panic of almost getting caught.
   "Weird..." one guard comments while they are walking.
"I thought the hylian was in another cage"
The second guard chuckles.
"You must have'd imagination things..."
"Hmm... probably"
The two guards keeps talking while they are walking down the hallway to the opposite direction Link is heading.
  Link smiles nervously and exhales relieved.
He waits some extra seconds after the sounds of the guards have'd disappeared, before he walks out from the cage.
Then he keeps walking out from the dungeons.
          He is passing the statue of Mipha nervously when he hears footsteps behind him.
He jolts and turns around with widened eyes.
Link inhales sharply of the sound before he let's out some surprised air.
  It's the little kid from some time ago  when he had helped the boy by taking down the necklace from the statue.
   "Hi?" He greets back asking when he sees the red-white Zora boy.
The boy is looking asking at Link.
"I had almost forgot to tell you... so, I'm glad to see you again..."
Link tilts his head confused.
"About what?" He asks and is looking around to see if someone are trying to find him.
The boy smiles.
"My sister is finally happy again! She stopped crying when she got the necklace back and could finally smile again and meet her boyfriend"
  Link smiles gently and kneels down a bit and starts petting the boy on his head.
"I'm happy to hear that...thanks for telling me... Now... Go back to your sister before she gets worried... It's late and time for bed" he tells the boy and stands upright.
The boy nods.
"Okay I will... Take care" he says before he turns around and starts running away.
  Link snickers.
"I will..." he mumbles before he turns around too and starts walking against the exist of the domain.
               He is smiling relieved when he sees the nervous Cédric standing by Epona. With the hyrule shield and mastersword in his hands.
"Hi..." Link greets and make the Zora to jolt with a gasp.
"Oh...It's you..." Cédric says and clears his throat nervously.
Link grins.
"Thanks for your help"
Cédric shrugs.
"Of course...  Siri begged me...And... I owned you a favor since you helped me with Siri..." Cédric explains and is looking a bit shyly at Link.
"So, you are a male Huh?" He adds with a shrug.
Link jumps on onto Epona who has most of his weapons in some leather bags.
"Yup... So, you don't have to get clumsy nervous around me anymore" he grins and grab the bridle.
Cédric chuckles.
"I'm bi you know..."
Link raises an eyebrow and is wondering if that's why Cédric has a red feather in his ear. But Link isn't asking about it.
"Then I still don't want your help with cleaning my future wounds..." he half jokes seriously.
Cédric shakes his head.
"Then... Don't get them in first place..." Cédric grins and gives Link his shield and mastersword.
"Good point" Link says and grab his things from Cédric.
Cédric nods slowly as he was thinking about something.
Link smiles sadly against him.
"I'm going to miss you and Siri... Take care of yourselves...And thank you both for your help..."
Cédric jolts and smiles gently against him.
"We are going to miss you too... Good luck and take care of Prince Sidon and the babies...okay?"
Link nods.
"I promise..." he says and start kicking his heels gently against the sides of Epona.
"Hiyaah..." he shouts and make the horse to start moving forward.
Slowly at first but then, she starts dashing away.
  He must find Sidon and the children before something happens them...

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