ch 27; have some tea

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Link is glancing asking at Ilia before he turns around against her.
"How come you don't have pointed ears as me?... I haven't seen any hylian with ears as you..." he points out and tilts his head confused.
Ilia jolts and is looking asking at him.
"My ears? " She let's her hand touches her ear while she is looking at Link's pointed ears.
"Oh... I'm not hylian like you... I'm human " She smiles softly.
Link raises an eyebrow.
Ilia nods.
"Humans and hylians are very similar to each other... The big different is the ears... Which is why I have rounder ears while you have pointed ears" She shrugs.
"Oh..." Link is looking down onto the ground there his foot kicks gently on a small rock.
Ilia pets Epona on her throat.
"I can keep an eye on your horse while you talks with Medilia" She suggests.
Link is looking up from the ground at Ilia and nods.
"Thanks..." he smiles before he is looking nervously at the door to Medilia's house.
He inhales deeply and let out some air before he starts walking to the door.
His hand shakes a little when he raises his fist against the wooden door.
He knocks.
The silence reaches his ears and he gulps.
At last the door creaks opened and a tired woman at her late thirty is looking asking out from the house.
She is slender with same height as Link. Her navy blue eyes are darker than Link's ocean blue eyes, but they are at least blue as his.
And her thick light brown hair reaches down to her breast.
Link is eyeing her pointed ears. According Ilia does this mean, Medilia is hylian as Link.
He swallows hardly.
"Hi! I'm...ehm..." he starts blushing and can't looking directly into her eyes when he starts talking. His eyes start sliding away from her.
The woman in front of him jolts when she notices his face.
"Oh... It's you..." She says surprised.
Link looks up at her face.
"No... I'm not him..I'm..."
The woman smiles gently against him.
"You are the other Link..."
Link raises his both eyebrows in surprise that she doesn't sounds as she will try to deny anything.
Link tilts his head.
"Do you know me?"
The woman nods.
"Yeah... kind of... " She glances over her shoulder, into the house.
"What about we discuss this over some tea?" She suggests and is looking asking at him.

Link sits down on a green armchair while Medilia makes some tea.
He keeps tapping his heel nervously and excited on the floor.
"Here..." Medilia suddenly says and make him jolt.
Link is looking asking at her and notices the small cup she holds out for him.
It smells lemon from the cup.
"Thanks..." he grabs the white cup and inhales through his nostrils. Enjoying the smell from the hot tea.
The woman sits down next to him on the other armchair and starts drinking her tea.
"I were wondering if you would ever show up or not..." She says from nowhere and make Link raises an eyebrow while he sips from the hot tea.
"What do you mean?"
She smiles against the cup.
"I started to believe that... Your father would never tell you about me" She shrugs and seems kind of relieved.
Link snorts frustrated which make her to look asking at him.
"No... He didn't told me anything... Beside... How would he be able to tell my anything when he hasn't told me in first place he is my father?" Link pouts and looks away from her to the side.
Medilia drops her jaw and gasps shocked.
"What?!...D-Don't tell me he never told you, you were his son!"
Link starts tearing up a bit and tries calm down himself by drinking his tea.
How unfair if he has a brother who got raised by his mother while Link grew up with none of his parents.
"How did you found out about me?"
Link sighs and is looking hurted at her.
" Over the years the Princess and I have got close friends and she tried helping me with finding out who my parents are... She showed me a record book about the castle's staff around the time I were born...And since you were the only one who quite the job and moved away at that time... Was there a good chance you were my mother.. Or know at least who my mother is..." he tells her and furrows his eyebrows bothered.
Medilia is looking sadly down on her cup.
"Here I have lived with the thought he would raise you as his son..." She mumbles.
"That Bastard" She grits her teeth angrily.
Link tilts his head.
"How come you left me at hyrule castle while you moved away?..." he asks and feel how his heart starts cramping of pain.
She is looking apologising at Link.
"First of all... I'm sorry... Second... The king had a queen already...So, me showing up as a maid and have'd an affair with him was unforgivable... " She inhales deeply and sits upright as she is about to tell a long and serious story.
As response Link sits upright too and is focusing at her with one hundred procent.
She clears her throat.
"I got pregnant... And at first I were thinking about running away with the child and raise the child on my own... But it turned out I wasn't pregnant with one child... It was two children..twins"
Link's lips part surprised of the news. Twins?
Medilia inhales sharply and sips on her tea.
" I visited my aunt in hyrule and were questioning myself if I should let the king know or not... Then rumours started to circulating in the town and the king heard of the news about I have'd twins... The king paid me a visit and looked at you boys when he suddenly told me..." She clears her throat.
Link tilts his head curiously.
"That... The Queen and he, couldn't get a second child since something awful happened during the delivery of the Princess...And he would love to get one of the twins... Since I had bad conscience and felt guilty of trying to steal the king from the Queen and their beautiful daughter I-... I...I gave away you to him... Thinking you would get the perfect life with growing up as royal with a sister...Which turned out I have'd totally wrong..." her hand starts shaking there she holds the cup.
"I'm so...So sorry..." She let's her teeth sink a bit into her bottom lips. Cursing herself for giving up one of the childs.
Link exhales gasping and is looking with pity on her.
He shakes his head.
"Don't worry... I'm pretty happy with my life..." he smiles.
She jolts and is looking at him. She seems relaxing pretty fast.
Link chuckles.
"The only thing I have'd missed in my life are someone to call mom and dad... That's it... Except that, I have'd a great life actually... I would never want to change the chance to get knowing Zelda or the people I have met, for something else" Link tells her and jolts before he is looking at her.
"I have a question..."
"Huh?" She tilts her head asking while a single tear falls down on her cheek. The taste of salt soon reached her lips.
"How come you named us both Link?"
Medilia raises her eyebrows before she starts snickering.
"Oh that... It's pretty silly... Especially now...ehm..." She takes the last sips from her lemon tea.
" I wanted to feel connected to both of you somehow...And I figured it would feel as you were with me if my other son had the same name as you..." She explains and starts to blush.
"Oh..." Link finishes his tea.
"Where is he now?" Link wants to know. He would love to see his brother he never knew he had.
Medilia gets tensed and sighs deeply before she stands up and takes the cup from Link.
"Oh that..." She mumbles and walks out from the room with the cups and comes back shortly later without them.
Link stiffen. Since the king has disappeared, does that mean the other Link has disappeared too?
Medilia sits down with her head tilted down. Looking at her hands who intertwines their fingers together.
"That boy have'd a rough year... or perhaps it has already been two years? However... Everything began when the children got kidnapped of some monsters... And my sweet boy wanted to save them... So, he tried to follow the kidnappers and something awful happened to him... He got a curse on him... "
"A curse?" Link asks and can't help with feeling excited of hearing someone's adventure.
She nods.
"Yes... He got the twilight curse... And he turned into a creature of the night... A Wolf..." She swallows sharply.
Link exhales shocked.
"A WOLF?!" He asks with too loud voice.
"Yes... And it took long time before he was able to turn back into human again... But he ended up with turning into Wolf from time to time... The curse wasn't completely broken... Even though the curse he ended up with saving the children... And during his journey he even saved the king from his own twilight curse-..."
" And the king and Link got married with each other" Link interups with a grin.
Medilia gasps shocked and is eyeing Link curiously.
"How did you knew?"
Link shrugs.
"I just overheard some people who talked about it"
She snorts smiling.
"How about you? How have your life been so far?"
" Well... Not for long time ago the Zoras told the king they want the Princess as bride to their prince... And if he wasn't agreeing to that, they would attack the castle" Link shrugs.
"Did he sent the Princess?"
Link exhales chuckling.
"Not really... He sent a 'princess'... But not the real one " he smiles against the woman next to him.
Medilia raises an asking eyebrow.
"The fake princess was me..." he explains.
"Oh..." Medilia gasps understanding before she starts giggling a bit. Making Link to blush.
But then she exhales frustrated.
"How awful of him... If I knew he would be that awful I would take you both with me" She shakes her head.
Link shrugs.
" I'm actually happy he did that.. I mean..." he clears his throat shyly.
" I met my first love there... I-..Ehm... It turned out the Prince was both handsome and kind..." Link tells her before he starts fidgeting shyly.
" And now... The Prince...ehm...Sidon and I are married and taking care of his sister's children as our own kids..."
Medilia stands quickly up from the armchair and embraces Link happily.
"Oh... I'm happy to hear that... Congratulations..."
Link gets shocked. He isn't used to getting hugged by someone.
Okay, he is used with either Sidon or Zelda. Or the children. Are hugging him. But other people than them aren't hugging him in normally.
And he loves this. To getting hugged.
"Thanks... Sadly the zora king found out about my secret that I'm not the Princess and we have'd to run away from Zoras domain... I'm afraid there will be a war between hyrule castle and Zoras domain..." he mumbles bothered.
Medilia leans away from him.
"I'm sure there won't be a war... I mean... The Zora King must see and understand how much his son loves you...And let you alone"
Link shakes his head.
"Sadly the king doesn't like his son being gay... He has kind of stop seeing Sidon as his son... At least that is what he told Sidon..."
Medilia is looking sadly at Link.
"That's awful to hear... As parent you should love and care about your child no matter what... Being gay isn't wrong" She says and runs her fingers into Link hair.
"Y-yeah right..." Link notices how soothing her movements are. How he starts relaxing by she runs her fingers in his hair.

At last Link stands up from the armchair.
"It's getting late... I have to find somewhere to sleep during the night." He tells her and starts heading to the door.
She stands up from the other armchair.
"You can stay here... I have Link's old bedroom you can use while you are visiting" she suggests.
Link furrows his eyebrows shyly.
"Oh... Thanks... I will tell Ilia that... I think she is still outside and taking care of Epona for me..."

Link sees how Ilia is feeding Epona with hay when he walks out from the house.
She isn't noticing him until he stands beside her and pets Epona on the side.
"Oh..." She jolts and is looking asking at him.
"How did it turned out?"
Link stops his movements and is thinking about the evening.
"It turned out pretty well..." he smiles.
"I thought she would deny everything at first... But she didn't... And I got my explanation I have'd wanted to get since I were a child... And... She will let me staying the night"
Ilia nods and let Epona eat up the last hay she holds.
"I'm happy for you... That's awesome! So, I assume she is your mother?"
"Um!" Link nods.
Ilia smiles and pets Epona.
"I can take Epona to the stable... Then you and I will meet tomorrow? Okay?"
Link is looking happily at her.
"Thanks... And yes... I would gladly meet you tomorrow... Take care of her"
"I will!"

It's night and Link can't sleep.
He is twisting around in the bed.
Feeling nervous of sleeping in another man's bed.
He doesn't want to wake up hollow tomorrow from not getting enough sleep.
But he can't helping from getting nervous and shyly of sleeping in someone else bed.
Forbidden thoughts of the other Link reaches his mind and he has to shake away those thoughts immediately.
"What are you thinking! He is your brother..." he mumbles snorting and tries thinking about something else. Like Sidon and the children.
But smelling another man make his head spinning around and an embarrassing bonner to show up.
He is blushing hardly and would love to lose some steam. But doesn't dare in case his mother would hear him.
He doesn't want her to think he is the dirty one who groans and moans the first night they have'd met. By doing a hand job.
And there is no way he would do that in a strangers bed... At least not the first night!

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