PART 2 Kelton James

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You know that feeling? The one you get when you’re swimming underwater and you get to the point you have run out of air and you push off hard to quickly reach the surface. You finally break through and sigh as the oxygen suddenly fills your lungs. That’s how I feel right now; except I haven’t broken through the surface yet. I can’t breathe, my head is spinning, and I feel like I’m about to panic. The funny thing is I’m nowhere near water; in fact it’s below freezing outside. I'm sittin by the window watching as the snow gracefully swirls in the breeze. While in my mind, my thoughts do the same thing.

My name is Kelton James. I just moved to the small town of Clarksville. Basically it’s in the middle of nowhere. If the corn fields turned to seas, we would be but a tiny island. My family and I have been here now for a week. My father grew up somewhere around here and that’s how we came to live in this small village. My mother on the other hand is a big city girl, born and raised in New York City. How they came to meet and fall in love the world will never know. Then came my sister and I, born only a few minutes apart, are also from the great city of New York.

Today was my first day at my new school. The building was so small and the class sizes were nothing compared to my last school. I wasn’t looking forward to going but I quickly changed my mind. When in my very first class of the year I saw Skye. His style and presence over whelmed me. I just couldn’t get him off my mind. I found myself constantly searching for him in the halls and the lunch room. But I only spotted him in the crowd a couple of times. I am still in shock that none other than the one on my mind pulled up and offered me a ride home. I couldn’t breathe. Even now late in the night I have trouble steadying my heart and stopping my head from spinning.

Kayla, my sister, must have noticed this change in attitude because she is continuously asking me how my first day went. I can tell by the look in her eye she is looking for something not just curious about my education. That is Kayla James for you. She is my best friend and I don’t know what I would do without her, but she does have a less appealing side to her. My favorite thing about her is her voice. She has the voice of an angel! I have often painted her that way as well.

The phone rang and my heart rate rapidly increased. I heard Kayla answer the phone.

“Hello…Oh hi Skye.”

My heart skipped a beat and my eyes open wide staring at the door waiting for it to open and her to hand me the phone. But she didn’t, so I listened closer.

“Ok that would be great! See you tomorrow. Bye!”

What was that all about? My mind tried to connect the dots. How does Kayla know Skye and why was he calling her? Why didn’t he ask to talk to me? I guess I’ll have to find out tomorrow on my way to school. I can’t wait. I lie down and fall asleep at some point.

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