𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖊 𝕱𝖗𝖔𝖒 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖆𝖘𝖙

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Welcome to my very first SasuNaru story !

I’ve read millions of SasuNaru stories out there and I thought it’s my turn to contribute one.

A few heads-up for the story ;

➬ I’ve been obsessing over Yandere!Sasuke stories so expect that Sasu’s may be a bit obsessive.
➬ This’ll be canon divergence story, so don’t expect I’ll completely follow the anime.
➬ This is a SasuNaru story, Sasu will be the one using the top bunk while Naru will sleep on the bottom one, ‘kay?.
➬ I don’t plan to earn a single penny from this, I’ll write purely for my entertainment and hopefully for yours too.
➬ And for some unknown reason, ‘Naruto’ ain’t mine :/

I think that’s all, I won’t hold you any longer from reading, hope u’ll support me through the end. Enjoy reading ! ♡

8/22/21: If someone would ask me, what story of mine, I hate the most, I’ll shout this one. Because for some unknown reason I made Naruto so weak when he’s the total opposite. Apologies 🙇🏻‍♂️. I’ll try to correct that and edit the chapters, expect that this would effect the plot but I don’t care, Naruto’s ain’t Naruto if he would be weakling. That’s child!Sakura’s job.

Ironically enough, this is also my most popular story, the one I hate the most is the one gaining the most attention, fuck me sidewards.

| Prologue : Promise From The Past

What?! Gaara is the new Kazekage!?,” Naruto exclaimed with his normal loud voice. Gaara had become a ‘kage’ before him, and he wasn’t even dreaming nor wanting becoming one. Is the so-called universe hate him that much?

Naruto’s happy for Gaara, of course, he really is. He just couldn’t help but to feel envious of him, that is obviously a normal reaction from, and of course, he will turn this dark envious feeling inside him into something more positive ones, his friend’s promotion will be used as another reason why he should work hard to meet Gaara in the Kage summit as his fellow Kage, and he swears that scenario won’t be long from today – he just couldn’t wait to be dismissed by Tsunade and go start writing a letter for his newly-elected Kazekage friend.

Tsunade grumbled as her hands itched to be wrapped in a bottle of saké, she could tell she would suffer a headache if Naruto continue to be this loud in this early morning. She clicked her tongue irritation, “Naruto lower down your volume, you’ll give me a headache and I haven’t started to work, yet.” She practically begged.

She then proceeds to raise her middle finger to ‘professionalism’ while pouring down a glass of her ever-favorite drink, ignoring the disbelieved gazes thrown on her way.

“Is this the only reason why you summoned us, Hokage-sama?,” Sakura asked politely, careful not to offend the Hokage. She had a strong feeling that she was wrong, as it didn’t felt right to be summoned just to be informed that a new Kazekage was elected, unless if Tsunade wants them to assassinate the said kage. 

It would’ve beem more understandable if Naruto was the only one being called, Naruto and Gaara grew closer over the years as they treat each other like brothers.

“Well, it’s a part of the reason why, but, that’s not the only reason. I have a mission for you four and please do not disappoint me – ” Tsunade didn’t get the chance to finish speaking, when a certain blond interrupt her.

“When did I ever disappointed you, Baa-chan?!” Naruto shouted with a offended expression, as he stare at her with complete disbelief, only to realize that what he just did was a bad move.

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