𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖀𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖉

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Chapter 11 :
Expect The Unexpected

; 𝔱 𝔥 𝔢   𝔣 𝔬 𝔩 𝔩 𝔬 𝔴 𝔦 𝔫 𝔤   𝔡 𝔞 𝔶 . . .

ON THE LARGE GREAT CLIFFS OF SUNAGAKURE was where Sai is impatiently waiting for Naruto to arrive, anxiously tapping his sandals on the hard sand, he has been waiting for a whole two hours and Naruto is still nowhere to be seen, Sai had already eaten his lunch, finished his unfinished works, and he even start throwing Kunais to distract himself from getting bored.

That's when he remembers Kakashi's warnings.

; 𝔣 𝔩 𝔞 𝔰 𝔥 𝔟 𝔞 𝔠 𝔨 . . .

"Sensei, I'm coming in." Sai shouted while opening the door, the said Sensei was putting on his green Jōnin jacket.

"What brought you here, Sai?." Kakashi asked, Sai just smile reassuring it's nothing important before answering, "It's nothing important, I just wanted to ask if we're still going to continue the mission … when both you and Sakura has been hospitalized and injured."

Kakashi sighed and stand up, he walked pass Sai who's standing on the door. Sai looked at him confusedly, "Follow me." Kakashi stated, Sai didn't question him and just obeyed.

"Speaking of that - I ordered Pakkun to tell the Hokage what happened during our mission …" Sai didn't say anything and patiently waited for Kakashi to continue.

"Lady Tsunade strongly advise that me and Sakura should go back to Konoha … while you and Naruto continue going to Suna and finish the mission." Sai understandingly nodded, “Lady Tsunade is right. The mission should not be cancelled, Suna was not far from here anyways.” Sai thought.

"Is that alright with you?." Kakashi questioned, Sai again smiled at him and nodded. "It's completely agreeable, why not continue when you're so close on finishing it right?."

Kakashi's features then completely turn serious, Sai obviously noticed this and decided to not voice it but just wait for his Sensei's orders.

"There are some rumors around that Jinchūrikis is being kidnapped … it was still not confirmed …" Kakashi was clearly asking - ordering Sai to look after Naruto.

"I understand, Sensei."

"When you arrive at Suna and gave Gaara the envelopes, go back as soon as possible. We don't know who was my attackers or what is their motives."

Sai nodded yet again and just opened the door of Sakura's room, revealing the other members of Team Seven.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I'm interrupting something ... Kakashi Sensei wants to talk to us regarding about our mission."

Sai jolted from the rock he was sitting, as he raced towards Konoha. He was quietly cursing himself for being so stupid, millions of what-ifs questions was on his mind. “What if something happened to Naruto? What if someone really kidnapped him?.” and so on.

Kakashi Sensei is going to kill me.”

The room was full of the sound of pants and pained grunts, as well as loud annoyed groans. Sasuke Uchiha was gripping on his sword, while he watch the blood ooze out from his eyes to his hands.

He had been training longer than usual, not only to improve his skills but also distracting himself from fucking Naruto again. He don't trust himself when Naruto is around, anymore. He already raped him, how could he be sure that he won't do it again?

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