𝕽𝖊𝖉𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝕴𝖓 𝕯𝖎𝖘𝖌𝖚𝖎𝖘𝖊

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chapter 21 :
Redemption In Disguise

Izumo wear his usual standard Konoha shinobi outfit, his dark eyes glaring at his partner - who was currently sleeping, and they're still in duty for Kami's sake. He grimace when he realized how dirty the place was, "I was only gone for thirty minutes." he complained.

"Oi! Wake up!." Izumo shouted and literally kicked Kotetsu off the stool, "What? What's happening? Are we being attacked?." The Shinobi with bandage across his nose bridge sleepily asked while he slowly rub his eyes.

"If there would be an attack, you'll be the first one to die." Izumo retorted and pick up all the dirt on the ground and toss it on the small trashcan.

"Bastard." Kotetsu whispered and stretch his arms, he got distracted when he saw a silhouette standing on their desk.

Kotetsu get up as he pushed Izumo out of his way, "Welcome to Konoha, please write your name and your purpose of visiting - " he gasped when he realized who he was talking to.

He was talking to the one of the last remaining Uchiha, "I need to talk to the Hokage." Sasuke said as he completely ignore the shock on Kotetsu's face, both of them were silent, because of two different reasons.

Sasuke impatiently waited for the other to snap out from his daze, as he let the cold wind brush his long bangs. Slightly covering his almond shaped eyes, while Kotetsu merely stare at Sasuke in horror, who could blame him?

Sasuke was a product and had been associated with Orochimaru and anyone who had been with the snake Sannin had been insane or barely sane, he's not here to attack the village, right?.

"Idiot, why are you just standing there?! Assist him - stand back!." Just like Kotetsu, Izumo also was surprised when he recognized who the newcomer was, the only difference was Izumo acted more rational than Kotetsu.

Kotetsu seem to get over his shock and snatch out a Kunai and aim it towards Sasuke, the said Uchiha merely roll his eyes, not bothering to hide his annoyance towards Kotetsu's pathetic attempt on making him surrender, did Kotetsu seriously thought that a mere Kunai could scare or hurt him?.

"I did not come here to fight or hurt anyone." Sasuke affirmed, though it didn't lessen Kotetsu's and Izumo's wariness towards him.

"Hand over your sword then." Kotetsu demand and Sasuke grudgingly obliged, he handed his most important possession, but he made Izumo swore that he's going to be careful holding it.

"So ... You're the Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto always talks about." Tsunade muttered as she put her chin above her palm while he observed Sasuke's every move.

It was obvious that she was prepared if ever Sasuke thought of doing something - harmful, she was alert and wary around Sasuke's presence.

"The same Sasuke - who fled the village four years ago and became a rogue ninja to join Orochimaru?." She asked, one of her brows were raised.

Sasuke nodded, confirming all her accusations. Tsunade sigh before she shook her head, minutes later she cleared her throat, as her brown eyes stare directly at the black ones,

"Let me ask you this, once and for all, are you planning to stay here for good?." Tsunade inquire with her most serious voice.


"And why would I believe that? You've been a rogue and betray the village once, you certainly could do it again." Tsunade deadpanned, as she roll her eyes.

"I could tell you where Orochimaru's hideout; it's located at the very center of the Otogakure - protected by a barrier that don't just could make his hideout invisible, but also mask and hide the chakra of the people inside."

Tsunade then sigh in relief, "A barrier that could make a hideout invisible and hide someone's chakra? I really underestimated him." She whispered before sighing deeply, she was already stressed about Naruto's ... condition, and she does not want to stress herself more.

"Two weeks ago, Team Seven with their new member - had received a mission to deliver a scroll to the Kazekage." She informed.

Sasuke then realized something, "Why didn't she just ordered an ANBU to deliver the scroll? Why does she needs to send 4 people - unless the scroll contains something important."

"Unfortunately, four days after, Hatake and Haruno came back as according to their report - given by Hatake's summons - they were attack during their mission. They were hospitalized for a week - and Haruno had said that you are the one who attacked her." Tsunade accused, as Sasuke froze.

"Now, given that Sai and Naruto continue the mission, they were expected to return a week after."

"Which they didn't, none of them return, they were gone for atleast two weeks ..." She grumbled as she bang her arms on the table, making the pens and some of the paper drop, before continuing, "Can you confirm that they were abducted by Orochimaru? They were found not too far away from Otogakure's border - according to what you had said earlier - is where Orochimaru's hideout located."

Sasuke merely nodded, not trusting his own voice as he thought that one wrong choice of words could make her be suspicious of him, and that's the last thing he wanted to do.

"That is also one of the reasons why I came back immediately, during Naruto stay, Orochimaru had drugged both me and Naruto. I suspected it contains ... aphrodisiac ... I wanted to see if Naruto is fine." He excused, atleast he didn't entirely lie but he also didn't completely tell the truth.

Tsunade hummed, her brows furrowed in concentration, "So, something did happened between you and Naruto?." She asked, not comfortable using the word sex and her godson's name in one sentence.

"Yes, I won't deny that." Why would I? Sasuke wanted to add, but didn't dare to do so. He had heard that Tsunade have a soft spot for Naruto, that could be a bad thing for Sasuke and her - "If I decide to take Naruto away from here."

"Do you regret it?." Tsunade bluntly asked, noticing Sasuke didn't even flinch of tense at her question.

"I don't." Sasuke simply replied, as he looked down making Tsunade unable to see the growing smirk on his lips, "I have been ... attracted to him. And I was just too blinded by my rage that I didn't realize it sooner." He smoothly lied, unbeknownst to Tsunade - who was starting to believe his lies, Tsunade's glare soften as he slowly started to sympathized the Uchiha boy.

They were basically the same, both of them had lost their clans. They were literally clan-less, and she knows the feeling of being alone. And this boy had it worst, because this boy lost his entire family - his entire clan in just one night, the only difference is Sasuke had just been more resentful while she drowned herself in sake and gambling.

"One last question, kid ... Since you have already confessed the reason why you came back ... Can you please explain why you left?." Tsunade almost felt bad, (keyword;almost) when she saw Sasuke wince.

"As you already know, the coup d'etat of the Uchiha Clan ... I blame it all to my brother - I wanted to kill him and avenge my clan ... in order to do this though, I had to be stronger ... I was selfish, instead of working hard like everyone else did ... I took the coward way out and went to Orochimaru." Sasuke explained, as he took deep breaths to calm himself.

He doesn't appreciate revealing himself to the woman he just met minutes ago, but if he truly wanted to be with Naruto, freely. Being vulnerable infront of a member of Senju - an old mortal enemy of his clan - would be really worth it.

Tsunade sigh for the umpteenth time for the day, "I'm going to ask for Sakura so she could assist you to Naruto's room." Sasuke internally groaned as he was really not in the mood to deal with the said Kunoichi.

"I'm really good at manipulating people, huh?."

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