𝕵𝖊𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖚𝖘 𝕱𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖎𝖗𝖑

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Chapter 17 :
Jealous Fangirl

DANZO SHIMURA didn't change at all since Shin last meet him. He still wrap bandage on his body that it made him looked like a fucking mummy. His dark brown eyes and hair, Shin swear it have the same color as shit.

He still hate — no, hate is just an understatement. He despise this man before him. How he wish to bury his nail on Danzo's arm and ripped it off. After that, he's going to invert his ribcage, pour cement on skull, then he's going to use it as a pot and lastly, he's going to fill Danzo's sinuses with urine - Shin exhale loudly, trying to relax himself and ignore all his plans for this disgusting man before him.

Instead of giving Danzo a menacing glare. Shin force his lips to form a straight line, it was hardly consider as a smile.

Shin noticed Danzo was still staring at him with wide eyes, Shin then took a step forward and snapped his fingers loudly on Danzo's face.

"Can you please snap out of it?." Shin playfully said.

Danzo didn't move an inch, didn't even blink when Shin snapped his fingers.

"You leave me no choice …" Shin whispered, and swing his leg to kick Danzo on the face. Loud crack of bones was heard, the kick probably dislocated the older man's jaw. But Shin feels no regrets, if anything he wants to keep kicking him.

"What do you think you're doing?." Danzo sneered, Shin let out a breathy chuckle and pat Danzo on the shoulders, "You scare me a little there ..." Shin stated.

"You were just staring at me … You don't blink at all … and it also looked like you stop breathing." Shin said, perhaps exaggerating a bit.

"You survive." Danzo said yet again, and that's when Danzo finally understand that he's former student was indeed alive and standing in front him, he looked like realization hits him almost as hard as the kick he received earlier.

"How many times do you need to say that before you believe that it's me?." Shin questioned while yawning.

Danzo cleared his throat quietly, cursing himself for acting out of character. "Since you're here, I need you to do something for me — "

Shin barely listen to what Danzo was saying, he was too busy adjusting his clothes and smoothing the wrinkles out to notice his surroundings.

"I think you're misunderstanding something here, old man." Shin muttered as he resist the urge to licked the blood off his lips, "Aren't you the one who ordered them to merge me and my brother to one body?." Shin asked while he pulled out the scissors from the corpse's mouth.

"Let's have some fun, Danzo. I'll start on removing both your arms, are you ready?."

Just like the day before, Karin is again at the Kitchen preparing the breakfast for that day.

Suigetsu slightly quiver when he heard the long loud whistle of the kettle beside him, he grumbled and brush his hair back in irritation.

Poor Suigetsu, he just woke up and this is what the first thing happens to him.

"Oi … Karin what are you doing?." Suigetsu asked behind the said redhead Uzumaki, he eyed the burnt eggs on the pan, Suigetsu would rather starve to death than eat those all most charcoal black — burnt eggs.

"Toasting some breads." Karin replied in a monotone voice, clearly distracted.

"The eggs are … kinda looking … inedible for me." Suigetsu dodge when Karin tried hitting him, making him fall onto the fall. Karin groaned as she went to check the egg she's frying. "Didn't I told you that if you find my food disgusting, then don't eat it — " Karin stopped shouting when she realized that the eggs was almost charcoal black.

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