𝕴'𝖑𝖑 𝕭𝖊 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖑𝖊 - 🍋

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Chapter 10 :

I'M SORRY Naruto-kun, Sasuke-kun is not here.”

Without a second later, Sasuke arrived beside Naruto and catch him before he could fall onto the ground. He carried the blond in his arms with utmost care, making he was not uncomfortable or whatsoever.

"Let's get going before anyone see us here." Orochimaru ordered, and started to walk away not even bother to check if his student is following him.

Sasuke called for his Sensei's attention, Orochimaru momentarily turn to him. "What if we some of this?." Sasuke suggested while he offered a familiar scroll to Orochimaru, the said raven Uchiha couldn't keep up with his Sensei's speed - well, he can, but not with Naruto in his arms, Sasuke was afraid he might hurt the sleeping Jinchūriki.

Orochimaru agreed and took the said scroll, the Sannin did the proper handsigns, the writing on the scroll started to produce a bright light, then the next thing they knew, they were standing in front of their destination.

The first thing Orochimaru saw is Karin and Suigetsu bickering as usual, he made his way to the two and pat their heads.

"Goodmorning ..." He greeted, the reason why he greet them is to make them stop fighting.

"Goodmorning Orochimaru-sama." They replied in unison, Karin then face Sasuke and was about to greet him too but she stopped herself when he saw a familiar blonde in Sasuke's arms. She realized he was the same blonde from last week, she glares at the sleeping teen.

"Don't look at him like that Karin." Sasuke said with a low voice that certainly made Karin shiver in fear.

"Sorry!." Karin squeak, while Suigetsu step forward, his purple eyes examining, Naruto. Recalling if he ever saw the said blond, but unfortunately, this is the first time they meet. "Who is he?." Suigetsu finally asked.

"He is none of your business. Get out of my way." Sasuke grunted and walked pass them. Orochimaru watch how careful Sasuke walk, he was clearly afraid he might hurt the teen in arms. While Karin glare at Naruto with jealous eyes and Suigetsu just shrugged.

"Good Job at ruining Sasuke's mood, Karin." Suigetsu stated, Karin irritatingly faced him, "I just asked who's the boy. How did I ruin his mood?." She exclaimed.

"Are you that dumb? You - "

"Enough." Orochimaru croaked he was already tired at going to Suna, and he's not in the mood to hear their pointless arguments.

"The boy's name is Naruto. Sasuke-kun's ... Bestfriend." Orochimaru explained, Karin nodded while she thinks why Sasuke's bestfriend is here.

"I suggest that don't disturb Sasuke for a while. I believe they have many things to talk about." The Sannin ordered and went inside, Karin and Suigetsu respectfully bowed and nodded.

Why do I suddenly have the urge to order Kabuto to put a silence barrier on Sasuke-kun's room? ... I think I should just use this chance for my research ...”

Sasuke made his way to his room, his loud footsteps echo through the long endless corridors, he couldn't understand why Orochimaru needed so long and many corridors, the damn Sannin should've name this a maze not a hideout. He remembers when he need Kabuto to walk him to his room because he always get lost.

Enough about that, Sasuke is now infront of his room. He adjust Naruto so he could open the doorknob, it slowly opened that produces a creaky annoying sound. When he was finally inside, he closed the door and gently put down Naruto.

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