𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖍 𝕷𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝕭𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗

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Chapter 07 :
Foolish Little Brother

SOFT rustle of leaves was heard through the quiet forest, quiet chirping of small birds was heard once in a while, it's very calming and peaceful — I mean it was. The calm atmosphere was soon ended when a certain raven unconsciously releasing his Killing Intent that instantly made the animals ran away.

Sasuke stomp his way back to the hideout, letting out a string of curses for his brother. How dare him to suddenly show up at their hideout, just to threaten him that he would take his Naruto from him.

"Sasuke-kun! I was about to go and find you -" Karin enthusiastically said, feeling excited that Sasuke-kun was safe. She sensed something different from the whiskered teen from earlier, the Konoha nin had a purplish-black chakra surrounding him - it was very immense and intoxicating, it overwhelmed her so much that she immediately ran away from there.

But later on, when she turn to check on Sasuke, the chakra surrounding the said teen slowly turn to something more lively, and cheerful. It turn to whitish-yellow. It was very gentle and calm, as if it didn't felt like dangerous earlier.

Karin actually wanted to ask Sasuke regarding about who was the guy — when unfortunately for her, Sasuke in not a very good mood. Sasuke gripped on her neck tightly, lifting her from the ground, her face was starting to turn violet. She pathetically tried to remove Sasuke's large hand on her neck.

Karin stare back at Sasuke's Sharingan with her fearful eyes, she knows Sasuke could kill right now if he wanted to.

"That is not a how you supposed to greet a comrade that has been worrying about you, Sasuke-kun." Orochimaru said while leaning on the door, Sasuke turn to him with his Sharingan flaring brightly.

"Put her down." Orochimaru sternly ordered, Sasuke grunted and suddenly let go of Karin, she harshly falls onto the ground, she started to cough violently.

Sasuke stare down at her, not an ounce of guilt was present on his face, he even roll his eyes at her pathetic condition as Sasuke calls it. He walked pass her, and was about to ignore his Snake Sensei when Orochimaru stop him by pulling his arm.

"We're going to talk." Orochimaru stated,

"Orochimaru-sama ... cough ... the food ... cough ... is ready." Karin managed to say and she started to cough again.

"Go, eat first Karin. Me and Sasuke-kun have something important to talk about." Says Orochimaru, Karin obediently nodded and went inside. Her coughs was echoing through the empty corridors.

"I assume that Itachi is the reason why you're angry, hm?." Orochimaru asked while he guided Sasuke inside.


"Sasuke, Sasuke, Sasuke... What am I going to do with you..." Orochimaru dramatically sigh, Sasuke then realized Orochimaru is planning something - which is either something to do with him, or Naruto.

"I know about your ... infatuation with Uzumaki ..." Sasuke gave stink eye and was about to ask how he found out. He don't bother to deny Orochimaru's accusations, because he knows he won't believe him.

"Do not bother asking how I found out ... as it is not important ... What important is the deal I'm about to offer to you." Called it.

Sasuke wait for Orochimaru to continue, he was not interested on the deal the Sannin's talking about because Sasuke is sure it's about how he will get stronger so he could kill Itachi and Orochimaru will finally have his body.

"You see ... Sasuke-kun... I want power... You want Naruto ... It's a win-win situation if you ask." That instantly made Sasuke's interest spark ...

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