𝕭𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝕬𝖈𝖙𝖔𝖗

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Chapter 04 :
Best Actor

"SASUKE ..." Naruto was not sure how he should approach the said raven Uchiha. A small figure beside the Uchiha ran away, Naruto swear he saw a glimpse of red hair but he paid no attention on it, the most important thing right now is - Sasuke.

Naruto know very well Sasuke won't come back, no matter how much he convince him ... After his argument with Sakura he realized something. Sasuke won't come with him without a fight but that's what friends do right?.

You don't tolerate wrong attitude, you correct them ...”

Naruto felt alarmed when he saw Sasuke running at him in full speed - Naruto took a Kunai from the small pouch on the side of his waist, he was about to aim it at Sasuke when -

Alas. Sasuke had reach him, Naruto expect for the worst. Closing his eyes, expecting for any pain he would felt any minute now - for some reason, he didn't felt any pain on his body. Slowly opening one of his eyes - peeking. He realized what kind of position he was in right now.

Sasuke Uchiha is currently hugging him, wrapping both of his strong arms on Naruto's shoulder. Burying his face on the crook of the Jinchūriki's neck, Naruto can feel the raven sniffling once in a while - the said action made Naruto confused and stiffen in place.

"Naruto... I'm sorry..." Sasuke slowly whispered while crying, the said blond was still too shock to even respond ... Naruto skeptically looked at Sasuke first before hugging back, still not putting away his Kunai if ever Sasuke would do something against him.

"It's okay ... Please, stop crying ..." Naruto tried soothing the shaking Uchiha in his arms, Sasuke shale his head, chanting "I'm sorry." only stopping when he was taking deep breathes.

"If you really don't want to go back ... I won't force you anymore ... I - " Sasuke literally panicked as he thinks about some excuse he could think ... Due to his nervousness, Sasuke tell him whatever his brain could made up, "I actually want to go back to Konoha.." Sasuke whispered looking down. Well, if he can't take that back then why not make it true ...

"B - But Orochimaru ... I can't escape from him ... because of this damn curse mark." Sasuke admit while rubbing the black pattern on his neck.

"How can we remove it?." Naruto ask, concerned about the raven. Naruto gently removed Sasuke's grip on his pale neck when Naruto notice Sasuke was gripping on it too much that it started to turn red.

"I ... Don't know ... Help me ..." Sasuke visibly flinched, had a hard time saying the word help, not liking the feeling when he ask for help to someone.

"How can I help you? ... What do I need to do?." Naruto asked, he looked like he was desperate for an answer.

"Please don't tell anyone about this ... Not even Kakashi or Sakura." Sasuke said in a hushed tone, Naruto looked confused but didn't bother to ask when he saw the pained expression on the raven's face. Naruto slowly nodded, not sure what he's getting himself into.

"Naruto ... Can we ... Can we meet again?." Sasuke asked looking hesitant if he should continue, Sasuke audibly gulped before closing both of his eyes. "I kinda miss you ..." Sasuke immediately cursed himself when he saw the shock face of Naruto. “He probably thinks that I'm a creep —”

Sasuke felt relieved when Naruto grin brightly at him before nodding, "Of course, Sasuke ... I missed you too." Naruto said, before throwing himself to the Uchiha.

As much as Sasuke is enjoying the warmth Naruto is giving him, Sasuke knows he still needs to meet the Snake Sannin. "Orochimaru must be waiting for me, I'm going to send you a letter using my summons to tell you where we're going to meet, okay?." Naruto eagerly nodded, Sasuke then deepened the hug for a little while before he slowly broke the hug.

Just like when they first meet, at the old hideout of Orochimaru - Sasuke slowly disappeared by flames, Naruto just silently watch him disappeared into thin air.

Sasuke Uchiha felt his lip twitch - a victorious smirk slowly forming on his thin lips, when he thinks about how easily he convince the naïve Uzumaki Naruto that he wanted to go back, he can't help but to scoff. Naruto didn't change one bit, he's still the same blond idiot, Sasuke met from the academy three years ago.

Sasuke let his face go to his usual serious expression when he sense someone else's chakra near him, "You can come out now, Kabuto."

The said teen came out from a top of a tree, "I didn't know you're good at acting, Sasuke. If you ever fail at killing your brother, you can be a good actor instead." Kabuto mocked.

"Shut up ..." Sasuke force his Sharingan to deactivate, he keeps getting triggered when someone talk about Itachi. When Sasuke thought his Sharingan is no longer present in his ebony eyes, he decided to voice his question. "What does Orochimaru wants?." Sasuke asked while he run towards south - heading to the Snake Sannin's hideout.

"Your beloved brother is in our hideout right now and he was searching for you."

The night came as quickly as the morning did. The sun had fallen and the moon have risen, cold breeze of wind coming from the small window, the last Hatake was watching how the strong wind harshly blowing the curtains. A small tic sounds coming from the loose window - Kakashi was thinking about what he said to him. Kakashi can't believe he still -

"So, Sensei ... What happened to you?" Sai curiously asked, Kakashi looked at him skeptically - contemplating if he should tell his students what really happened, The Jōnin was silent for a while before making up his mind ...

"I ... Don't want to talk about it." Kakashi announced before he covered himself with the thick covers, ignoring the worried face of his student.

Sai just sigh at his Sensei's stubbornness,"I will be outside if you need me, Sensei." The skinned artist announced, excusing himself and quietly closed the creaky door ...

Kakashi whispered something before allowing himself to fall into a deep slumber "... Obito."

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